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  You should be extremely grateful.

  Everyone kept saying that to her. All day long as they paraded throughout the ballroom of Malfoy Manor. Her hand perched on her mother's arm, a permanent smile fixed on her diamond-shaped face. Christmas music played with a flurry around the room and everyone was having the time of their lives. All Maeve could think about was riding her brother's broom that he promised to let her borrow it only for tonight, but now her chance was non-existent. It was way past 9 p.m, Eli would never let her get a hold of that broom now. Her father had promised that she was going to buy a Nimbus if only she behaved and kept her scores up high.

  She wanted to be ready for Quidditch tryouts next year. She had to be on her tippy toes if she wanted the position as the Slytherin Seeker.  There were so many students fighting for the position and she did not want to give Flint a reason to underestimate her for being a girl.

  "Chin up, Mae." Her mother whispered in her ear. They were still circling around the room, greeting more stuck up purebloods that made her want to vomit. Eli was somewhere in the corner of the room, mingling with his 4th year friends. He belonged in this society they were born into, just like her parents were.

  Pureblood. Maeve was proud to be one. Or at least she was taught too, she hadn't decided yet if it really was.

  "Do you see any of your friends? You can go and talk to them if you like." Mother tried to loosen her grip on her arm but Mae kept it tight.

  She has not really made any friends yet. She was only in school for a mere four months before Christmas holidays. To be honest, she didn't have the stomach to tell her parents that she made no Slytherin friends.

  "No. I would rather stay with you." Mae told her mother. Her dark eyes stared into her mother's deep blue. She once thought it was a shame that she was more like her father. Her mother was beyond breath-taking in her 40 years of age and Eli was gifted with her good looks.

  "Alright hang on tight, dear. Just a few more hours before we could finally rest our calves."

  "Leanne! Mae!," her father called. They were by the refreshment table when her father dragged a very grumpy Eli with him approaching where they stood.

  "Come now, we have to greet Lucius." There was a twinge of pride in his tone. After all he was the one who was able to score a partnership with the Malfoys. Pushing their family rank higher than it ever was. His words were, it will make us visible and respected.

  His eyes wandered to Mae and her brother before he added, "Be on your best behaviour, all right? Especially you Eli."

  The four of them approached the main section of the room where Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy sat on a higher sectioned floor. Maeve wondered if they did it intentionally, so that it would look like they were sitting on a throne. She knew her mother taught her better than to judge people without knowing them. On her defence, she was not judging them, she was judging their son.

  Draco Malfoy. He sat on his father's right hand side. His slick bright blonde hair oiled neatly back it was disgusting. He was wearing a dark suit that dwarfed him. Not to mention the permanent smirk on his face that she desperately wants to wipe off his face. Preferably in Quidditch with a bludger to his head.

  His silver eyes squinted as soon as he saw her. And there comes the frown. Ever since that very first train ride to Hogwarts where he made fun of her hand made jumper she wanted to kick his face. Then he made fun of Tessa's frizzy hair saying it looked like she's been electrocuted and Esmeralda's tabby cat. Maeve has never seen someone so self-centered in all her 11 years of life.

Screams Into Dreams // d.m.Where stories live. Discover now