Chapter One: Shion and Demon Realm Academy

Start from the beginning

["Looks like we got there earlier than expected"]

["That's the gate to enter the Demonic Realm, right Flare?"]

Noel said in an eager voice, she looks like a child now.

["Yes, stepping through it will enter the Demonic Realm"]

["I've noticed since looking at this place from afar, but isn't the wall here a bit low?"]

["You don't have to worry about that, the walls you're seeing are actually just built for fun"]

["What do you mean, I still don't get it"]

["It's a long story to talk about, since the time of the war between humans and non-humans, there were 3 extraordinary people called otherworldly humans, they were human but they were not human. They weren't on the side of humanity but decided to protect other races so they decided to go against the rest of humanity, setting up this academy for non-human races as a way to fight discrimination and also to allow races including humans who oppose the war to live peacefully without participating in it"]

["Then why are the city walls in this place so thin? I still can't understand"]

["You're in such a hurry, didn't I say this story is very long, just concentrate and listen to it. The story continues about more than 1900 years ago when humanity had run out of patience with war and attacked this academy, they gathered the strongest humans at that time with the determination to overthrow this place, At the most stressful moment, when humans began to enter the city, one of the three founders of this place decided to use an ultimate magic, sacrificing himself to build an invisible magic wall and the giant gate he saw, it had the ability to examine the past, abilities, and goals of the person passing through it and make its own decision whether to allow that person to pass through or not, in other words only those who have with good will can able to pass through the gate and enter the Demonic Realm, humanity then has no choice but to make a peace agreement and accept other races as a part of humanity"]

["So there's an invisible magic wall around here that can prevent all those with bad intentions from entering? But I still don't understand why humanity would accept that deal so easily, wouldn't they just have to wait for the population to explode inside, since it's just a small city, not soon It's got to happen later, isn't it?"]

Flare was surprised by Noel's thought, she thinks that Noel is just an idiot who can only wave her mace around.

["Ah...about that, there is actually another reason why humans surrender to non-humans, it's because of the difference in strength, in the first place the non-humans were superior to humans in many ways. already present and this is also the reason that war broke out, humanity is afraid that one day non-humans will rule the whole Alternative, but non-humans have never had such thoughts, they were just like humans, expecting a normal life without war but the Church was so developed that it almost controlled the whole of humanity,The pope was even able to change the minds of all mankind with just one sentence: "Non-humans are the enemies of our God." and thus all believers are completely convinced that non-humans are enemies, only a few know the truth has just moved to Demonic - Realm Academy and some people stay out of the war and don't take in any sides."]

Noel was still listening attentively, a surprised look on his face.

["So everyone in Demon Realm Academy is strong right?? Umuuuuuuuuuu, I'm so excited!! What are the residents like inside the Demon Realm?? Is the food there good? Aaaaaaaa! I'm so excited"]

Noel jumped up with a series of questions towards Flare.

["You also asked these questions at the departure and I answered them all right then"]

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