Who've We Become?

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Zira bolts from the bed, barely making it to the toilet. Drake hears the commotion and comes into the bathroom with her ginger tea. "Masters.. sip this?" handing her the cup. "How many more weeks do you have of this?"

She sits with her back against the wall. "I don't know, but I cannot wait until my second trimester. After that, it is supposed to taper off."

"When will that be. Exactly?" Drake questions. It is the same question he asks almost every week. He needs to know; he needs to see if it could be true.  

"What are you implying, Drake? Do we have to do this every time..." Zira wrenches her head is back over the toilet.

She always starts this shit. Why can't she answer the goddamn question? Why the fuck am I still here? Because I am a coward. Are they better off without me? At least here, I won't be in anyone's shadow.  

"Masters, I am leaving for work. Take it easy today, ok." Drake calls to her.

"Ok, thanks, Drake. See you later tonight." She looks so sick.

It's a good thing he could find a job that allows him to take care of them. He took some of the money that was set aside for him after the death of his father. He was able to buy them a three-bedroom condo. The third room would be the nursery. Them being in New York is not how it is supposed to be. He heads to the office. It is going to be a long day.


Leo wakes up and looks over at the sleeping form beside him. She was still the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. Her porcelain skin looks like fresh cream. He almost lost her for good.

"If I hadn't gotten to you before that night, would you have said Yes?"

She thinks back to that night. Leo had reached her the night before the Coronation. She knew what was expected of her. Madeleine knew her father had prepared only for one purpose, to become queen at any cost. She knew where her heart found its home; she just needed not to be afraid to walk the path she knew was suitable for her.

Do you really want me for a wife?

You would make a good Queen, Countess.

But you don't really want to be with me?

No, but it seems like I am out of options.

Then I decline.

"I will admit you gave me some things to consider, but that night you gave me the strength to say 'No.' I know that everyone expected me to be queen, but Leo, I didn't want a loveless marriage, I didn't want what my parents had. Liam would have been good to me, but he would never give me his heart, and I could never give him mine. I am yours, even the thought of being with him, well I couldn't."

"Then why did you say it then? In front of the whole damn court, you said, 'I accept.' Care to explain?"

"Leo, we knew someone set her up. We didn't know who. I thought my father had something to do with it, I know that we had to play this stupid game, but Liam and I had an arrangement. I would pretend to be his fiancée until he could clear her name. Whoever it was, I went through a lot of trouble to ensure that I won. But I didn't win. They stole the crown for me. I didn't want to be a queen with a stolen crown."

Leo exhales, "I am sorry, Madi, I should have told you a lot sooner than I did that I didn't want to be King. I was afraid of letting you down; now look at us. You were pretending to be the jealous fiancée to my baby brother, very well, I might add. So how did he end up in a hospital bed and Drake and Zira in New York?"


Olivia sits by Liam's bed. She holds his hand. "He misses you, you know? He asks for you and him. Li, I need you to stay with me, I need at least one of you to stay with us. Please." Her tears are falling down her face. Her heart was breaking, but she knew the vultures would be circling soon. Liam needed to wake up.

She knew what she needed to do, but she didn't want to leave his side. She needed to undo what had been done. She knew why she left, but how could she convince her to come back? Would there be anything for her to come back to?

An hour or so later, Leo walks into the room. "Liv, you have been here all night. Go, be with Jackson. I got this. If anything happens, I will let you know."

Just as Olivia turns to leave, she runs into her. "What are you doing here? Haven't you caused enough damage?"

"Olivia, I am not the enemy, but I may be related to him. Look, I know I was a bitch, but I promise you, Liam and I were working together. I love Leo."

"Likely story, then why did you enter his social season?" Olivia glares at her.

"My father told me to make an appearance. I didn't know that I had been announced a suitor by Constantine. I was there to appraise Zira and tutor her if necessary as the Beaumonts needed an educated sponsor." Madeline could see Olivia thinking.

"Why you? What is so special about you?" Olivia questions.

"I know what my father has over Constantine. He doesn't know, but there are things that I need to say, but now is not the time. My father is a dangerous man, but only if he is still lurking in the shadows." Madeleine replies. "I am tired of being a pawn. I don't want to serve Cordonia like this. I don't want a stolen crown."

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