Chapter Five

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(A picture of Clara's grandmother, Isadora Copeman or Nana, who is also the housekeeper for the vicarage)

The vicarage had been buzzing with overwhelming joy and anticipation at the sudden news of my betrothal to Lord Mannering. My mother was in the steadied hand process of fashioning my wedding gown. Lord Mannering's steward showed up a few days ago arranging for me to meet with the nearest modiste in town, however I instead insisted that I only wanted no one other than my very own mother to fashion my gown.

So with that, Lord Mannering's steward insisted that he would send a carriage for me to obtain any fabrics that I had acquired in order to complete the look. I ended up getting a beautiful silk ivory tulle and some beautiful lace fabric as well.

"It is coming along beautifully, mama." I commented at the beautiful half finished gown.

"Oh, just wait until it's finished, my dear I promise you will not be disappointed." My mother said with a fairy like tone in each of her words and a wide grin spread across her lips.

"My dear's, I'm afraid we'll all be late for church if we do not bustle along now." My grandmother quickened.

Grandmother was right. My mother and I quickly grabbed our shawls scurrying to the carriage, which was not fancy or up to date and afforded solely by the means of the church, of course. My family did have any means to own such luxury items such as a carriage.

My family attended church every Sunday, being a Vicar's daughter it became apart of me as a small child. I was always eager to pay attention to the preacher's sermons, scoping for any hidden gems or messages underneath and more than that I cherished the devoted time to pray and confide in God as my father taught me at an early age and then I taught my brother when he was old enough to understand.

"Welcome, God's Children. Dear Lord, our savior and Heavenly Father thank you for blessing your Holy people and thank for you for allowing them to be able to enter your house once again on this fine day."

"Today I want to talk to God's people on the subject of marriage." I winced as the white-haired preacher paused glaring over his spectacles that sat on the very edge of his frail and bonny nose.

"The Lord's words state that whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD and a good thing a wife is indeed." The preacher went on and I felt the heat of someone's eyes on the back on my neck during the entire sermon.

I gasped lightly when I had peaked just a tad bit over my shoulder. An overly husky and masculine outline broodingly appeared at the edge of my peripheral vision somewhere in the pew. Could that be who I might think it is?  I thought and an increasingly odd sensation began to swell up somewhere deep within me.

As a respectable young miss in the church I refused to embarrass myself by turning around acknowledging the stranger and making a scene.
Instead the entire sermon went on and I still felt those same hot eyes watching me. After church was finally over I exhaled deeply not realizing that I had been holding my breath nearly the entire service.

I scanned the crowd as people were moving about and leaving but I did not see who I assumed. I felt a slight pang of disappointment until I was greeted by my only childhood friend. The deacon's only daughter, Marion Carmichael. She was a thin brown haired girl roughly around the same age as myself. Her family were slightly poorer than my own and we attended church every Sunday together since I recall moving here and in my ninth year we became somewhat close.

"There was an older man staring at you nearly the entire service!" Marion whispered over harshly. Marion was quite religious so I'm sure that by notifying me of this small bit of information did not exactly please her.

"What!?" I say whipping my neck around just as the hairs there began to raise, she was much shorter than myself and I had to look slightly down upon her. Heat started to burn me all over. Could it be whom had I assumed? I thought to myself. "Who?!"

"I do not know his name, however I noticed he was the very first to leave after the service ended. Maybe, he is mingling outside with the fellow church members, perhaps."

My eyes whipped to one of the color stained windows in the church and I could clearly see there were still few church folk lingering around. My heart instantly burned. "I'm sure it was no one." I lied not even really knowing why I had lied to Marion.

"Are you sure about that Clara?" She says eyeing me carefully. I guess I wasn't good at hiding my emotions all too well.

"Well, there is a man-a Lord... I am to be wed in a few days time." I tell her with a sigh.

"Well, surely you could have told me!?" Marion hissed.

"Well, it sort of all just happened really. Oh, Marion, please don't be upset with me...." I trailed off feeling slightly guilty for not trusting in my only friend.

"Clara, I am not upset with you. I am truly happy for you, my friend. I wish you every bit of happiness." Marion smiled. She was far from a beauty. Nevertheless, I adored her heart and spirit.

"Thank you, Marion." A small smile of relief washed over my face as we embraced tightly.

After exiting the church with all my emotions running high from revealing my engagement to my dearest friend. I nearly stopped breathing when I walked out doors and there stood Lord Mannering handsomely suited chatting with my entire family. I was suddenly embarrassed at my pale colored dress trimmed with lace which was the most decent one out of the two I had owned.

"My Lord, what are you-?""I ask before Lord Mannering abruptly cut me off.

"Ah, Miss Copeman. Is it a fine day for church is it not? It'd be a shame to had miss such a sermon." Lord Mannering said with a charming smile as his deep blue eyes gleamed in the sun revealing a different warmth I had never seen before and I nearly felt myself freeze on the spot.

"Oh, yes darling, Clara come along. Lord Mannering was just saying it is such a fine day that we all should opt for a picnic on the grounds of his lovely chateau. We will all be accompanying him." My mother said gleaming in the sun just as eagerly as everyone else. She sounded absolutely thrilled.

"Our carriage is terribly overcrowded I'm afraid with my son, daughter-in-law, and dear grandson including the two of us, might Miss Copeman and I accompany Lord Mannering in his and I'll act as a chaperone." My grandmother, Isadora proposed. There was a devious gleam in her eyes and a wicked smile parted on her lips before she replaced it with a cast of callousness.

"Nana!" I protested desperately trying to figure out what the hell was happening and why was it happening so fast.

"Well, I see no reason for objection. Please, it would be my pleasure." Lord Mannering says gesturing me and Nana to follow him further down to his carriage. I take Nana's arm while we walk along behind Lord Mannering making sure to put a good distance between us.

"Nana, why on earth would you offer us to ride with him?" I whispered, my voice tight as a knot.

"I have my reasons, child. Bad knees...I suppose I need the room. You can sit next to Lord Mannering." Nana said with a casual old lady forgetfulness that made my face flush with even more in-consumable heat just as we were arriving to Lord Mannering's carriage.

He escorted Nana in she landed on one side eagerly and then held out his hand to help me in and I landed on the other. I couldn't ignore the firm grip of his fingers as they gently brushed against my own and the heat of his hand.

Lord Mannering looked between us both and decided to take the empty seat beside me and I nearly bit my lip off from nervousness.

"Wise choice, my Lord." Nana said smiling coyly and we started on our way to Lord Mannering's Chateau.

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