"Yeah, you're very normal to me." I added and she sighed.

"You both are incredible." Suzune admitted.

"Yeah, I use to do piano and tea ceremony. Rekka did Violin and..." He stopped there.

"You said it was calligraphy." She spoke up suspiciously.

"He did that, too." I added. "I hated it and drew on the floor."

"Did you both really rig your scores on the entrance exam?" Suzune asked us.

"It was a coincidence like I said." Kiyotaka reminded her.

"I got lucky I didn't get distracted earlier." I yawned, and Kiyotaka patted my head and then got me to sit down.

"I don't understand you two at all." Suzune admitted.

"Are you really finished with the study group?" He asked.

"Yes, I have determined those persistent failures to be a waste of my time." She sighed.

"Not everyone is going to be the same as you and want to work hard at boring things, I want to learn how to play basketball." I pouted. "They are going to get expelled."

"I don't care what happens to anyone else." Suzune looked away from me. "Those who remain will be the better students. Their loss will make it easier for our class to rise."

"So you admit defeat so easily." I sighed.

"Are you sure that's not a flawed way of thinking?" Kiyotaka asked her. "Your shortcoming is that you assume others will hold you back and put them at a distance from the start, couldn't that philosophy, looking down on others be what got you in Class D?"

Suzune just groaned and left us. "That's what its like to have a family, it just seems painful." I grinned.

"Want to see more?" Kiyotaka asked me.

"Yeah, but that guy had the same smirk as your father, like I was a useful pawn." I hummed. "Annoying."

"I'm sure its for a different reason." He informed me.

"Yeah, maybe he wants to make fires with me!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Was the fire person you?" He asked me.

"No." I took a sip of my drink. "Not yet."

Days past and I did get to learn how to play basketball, I only just threw it in and didn't run around. I did try to run, but Sudo grabbed me each time and put me back on my spot while grinning so he seemed to be fully relaxed around me now.

I got a ball in from far away. "Amazing, Rekka! You would be a really good player if..." Sudo went quiet.

"I'm happy as I am." I admitted.

After we finished he went out first since I was staring at a vending machine. I heard yelling real quick confusing me. "How angry can a person be? Well, that's what makes him interesting!" I hummed, and I went out and put my umbrella up.

I was excited to see the reason for his anger.

I rested my umbrella on my shoulder as I saw him yelling at three boys. "You are a pathetically ugly creature." One with long red hair commented.

"Say that again!" Sudo went to grab him, but the other two boys held him in place and then made him fall to his knees.

"Does he like insults?" I said confused as to what Sudo yelled.

"I can't wait to see how many from your class will be expelled after the upcoming test, I bet the first will be..." The red-haired guy went over to him.

Radiators are my only weakness (Classroom of the elite x oc)Where stories live. Discover now