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So in this uh it'd like those TikTok POVs where your soulmate can write stuff on them and it appears on your skin too.

"Well Vinnie what did she write?" Reggie asked
"Nothing yet" Vinnie groaned
"Give it time geez." Maria laughed
"Mom what if she never writes?" Vinnie asked
"Maybe she isn't 15 yet" Maria said
"Maybe" Vinnie sighed
"Later I'm gonna go to practice" Vinnie said

It was now February 7.
"Yo Vinnie what's on your arm bro?" Jordan asked
"Huh" Vinnie looked at his arm.
It was a little smiley face with hi.
Vinnie smiled "she finally wrote"
"Awe" Everyone looked at him smiling.
"Someone give me a pen!" Vinnie said excitedly
"Here" Someone handed him one.

He wrote 'hi what's your name : )'.
'My name is Y/n yours?' She wrote back
V:'I'm Vinnie'
Y/n: 'Where do you you live'
V:'Seattle Washington'
Y/n: 'Oh I live in North Hollywood California'
V:'That's really cool'
Y/n: 'How old are you?'
V: 'I'm 15 I'm assuming you just turned 15'
Y/n: 'Yeah I did today'
V: 'well happy birthday :)'

They talked for months her thighs were covered in writings and drawings and her legs. Until Vinnie decided to get her number.

Two years later
"Bye Vinnie" Reggie said
"I love you guys I promise I'll call." Vinnie said crying
"Bye baby we'll miss you" Maria said

A week later Vinnie was living in the sway house in California. He hadn't texted Y/n in awhile.

So he decided to call her. "I moved guess where to?" He said
"Vinnie you know you're like a TikToker news travels pretty fast. I already know where you live." She laughed
"We'll do you wanna meet up?" Vinnie laughed
"Duh" She laughed "I'll send the address"
"Okay see you soon" He smiled

It was 10:34 when he arrived at her house. Vinnie rung the doorbell. Her mom opened the door. "You must be Vinnie." Y/m/n smiled
"That's me" Vinnie smiled
"Vinnie hi" Y/n was behind her mom.
"Please come in" Her mom moved out of the way.

Y/n immediately hugged Vinnie and Vinnie hugged back.
"Hi" She mumbled into his chest.

"Is it okay if we go to my room mom?" She asked

They sat on her bed.
"Vinnie hacker is In my room. My soulmate is in my room."  She smiled
"It's good to finally meet you." Vinnie smiled
Vinnie had his hand on hers. "Does this mean we can start hanging out?" She laughed
"Well duh you idiot." He laughed
"How was your day?" He asked
"Awful" She frowned
"Awe I'm sorry wanna talk about it?" He frowned
"Nah it's okay I'm just glad to finally meet you like in person and not FaceTimes." She said
"Yeah me too"
"This is weird. It's weird finally meeting someone after two years." She said
He nodded at her while laughing. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?" She asked
"No no I'm okay. Do you wanna go somewhere?" He asked
"Sure but where?" She asked "oh fuck let me ask my mom she might say no."
"Okay hurry up Jesus you slow poke." Vinnie joked
She groaned and got off her bed.

"She said yes which is really weird." She laughed
"Vinnie?" She said from her closest.
"Sorry I was using your bathroom and I looked around your room. Not in a weird way by the way." Vinnie laughed
"My room is pretty cool I know." She giggled
Vinnie hugged her from behind.
"Yeah it is" He said
She grabbed a pair of sweet pants from her closest. She was in shorts and a t shirt.
She changed into the jeans with the same T shirt.
"You ready?" Vinnie asked her

They went to the skatepark.
"Geez woman come here." Vinnie laughed
She walked to Vinnie who held his arms open. She hugged him and let him wrap hi arms around her. "You're cold" Vinnie stared
"No I'm okay" She lied
"Here take my hoodie." Vinnie took his hoodie off and handed it to her.
"I could get use to seeing you in my clothes." Vinnie grinned
She laughed "Do you wanna stay the night? Or is it like too soon?"
"If it's okay with your mom then of course." Vinnie smiled
They sat down on a bench and she laid her head on Vinnie's shoulder.
"Let's get some pictures." Vinnie said
"Ugh do I look okay?" She asked turning to him.
"You look beautiful" He smiled
She tried to hide the fact she was blushing.
They got some really cute pictures together and of each other. "Is it okay if I post these?" She asked
"You don't have to ask to post stuff Y/n." He laughed
"But what about your fans won't they go crazy." She asked
"Well probably but it's fine. I want them to see how pretty you are oh and how hot I am." He grinned
She rolled her eyes and laughed. As soon as she posted her phone was being blew up by tons of people including her friends.


Jackie: omfg you're with Vinnie

Aisha: aren't y'all soulmates

Rebekah: awe I'm glad you finally met him bebes <3 send me details

Cody (her brother): Awe I saw your post I can't wait to meet him I'm so happy you finally got to meet irl

Melanie: y'all are so cute together bae

"Everyone wants to know who you are." He laughed
"Yeah one of them said who tf is this bitch" She laughed
"God people are so rude." Vinnie said
"Yeah it's fine though." She just shrugged

To Cody:
Can you ask mom if Vinnie can stay the night pleaseeeeee

From Cody:
She said yes

To Cody: thanks love you

From Cody: love you too stinky

"You can stay the night." She said
"Yes!" Vinnie jumped up
"Wow calm down hacker." She laughed
He rolled his eyes.

They got back to her house.
"Do you need pants to sleep in I can get some of my brothers"
"That'd be nice" He said
She grabbed him a pair of grey sweatpants from her brothers closet.
"It's nice to meet you Vinnie. She would always talk about you and what you drew." Cody laughed
She gave Cody the 'I'm gonna kill you' look.
"It's nice to meet you too man. And thanks for letting me borrow these." Vinnie said

He laid down beside her after changing. "I can't wait to make more memories with you." He whispered to her.
She kissed his cheek. "Me too"
He wrapped his arm around her.

The next day Vinnie and her hung out and then he went back to his place.
"No dude it was great to finally be able to hold her." Vinnie explained to the boys.
"Awe someone's in love" Bryce laughed
"She's really pretty." Quinton said
"I know" Vinnie stared at the picture of her on his phone.
"Dude you're gonna get drool all over your phone." Bryce said
The boys all laughed. "When do we get to meet her?" Josh asked
"I don't know but she's probably wanting to meet you guys. She thinks Bryce is funny which is weird because he isn't." Vinnie laughed
Bryce laughed "I'm gonna steal your girl."
"Psh nah" Vinnie put his phone back into his back pocket.
Kio grabbed Vinnie's phone and started typing in passwords.

He typed Y/n and it worked.
"Oooo" Kio went to call log to call her.
She answered and was eating chips.
"Omfg uh hi" She said
"Hiii what kinda chips you got?" Kio asked
"Uh Fritos" She said
"Yum oh my names Kio btw" Kio said
"Oh I know I'm Y/n" She laughed
"Hiiiii" Bryce said smiling
"So where's Vinnie" She asked
"Sitting down over there. Are you like not excited to see us?" Kio laughed
"Oh no I am but I was just expecting Vinnie." She said
Kio laughed "well bye it was nice meeting you"
"Byeeee" She said

Kio handed Vinnie his phone back but didn't Hangup.
"Dude that was literally not funny."Vinnie said
"You were sweating so much." Kio giggled
"Uh because I didn't know what weird things you guys would say." Vinnie said
"Ah fair point" Noah said
She cleared her throat. "Uh Vinnie" She laughed
"Wtf you didn't hang up!" Vinnie grabbed his phone.
"Sorry hi" Vinnie smiled
"Hi" She laughed
"Do you wanna come over?" Vinnie asked
"Sure" She smiled
"Okay see you soon"  He hung up
"Can't wait to meet her in person." Kio said

Her POV:
I grabbed a pen and drew a mushroom bc why not.
Then I headed over to Swayla.

Vinnie's POV: I looked at my hand and saw a cute little mushroom.
I smile to myself.

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