Stood up

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"Hey" Vinnie said to your parents.
"Oh hi Vinnie come on in." Your mom said
"Y/n's in her room sleeping." Your dad said
"You can go up there and wake her up." Her mom laughed
"Okay" Vinnie forced a little smile.

Vinnie got on the bed by her and wrapped his arm around her.
He fell asleep waiting for her to wake up.
She sat up and started poking Vinnie.
"Vinnie" She whispered
"Vinnie" She whispered again
"What happened?" She asked
"She stood me up" Vinnie said with his eyes still closed.
"Awe I'm sorry" She said
"Would it be bad if I said I didn't mean go out with her anyway?" Vinnie mumbled
"Because I like another girl" Vinnie mumbled
"Then why did you say yes?" She asked
"Because I wanted to make the girl I liked jealous but she didn't end up being jealous." Vinnie said
"That's messed up" She laughed
"Shut up I know that but she didn't show anyway. I was gonna tell her." Vinnie said into the pillow.
"Jeez okay"
"So are you okay? Are you sad? Wanna talk about it?" She asked
"No I'm okay I just missed you." He said
"Oh well I missed you too." She smiled
Vinnie moved a piece of hair behind her ear out of her face.
"You look so pretty" He said
"Thank you handsome" She grinned
"Y/n do you wanna go out sometime?" Vinnie asked
"Sure where to?" She asked
"Movies maybe" He smiled
"I'm down" She grinned
"Cool Saturday?"
"Yeah like around five" She said
"I'll pick you up." Vinnie said
Vinnie was laying on his back. She laid her head on his chest.
"I'm always here for you if you wanna talk." Vinnie told her
"I know" She mumbled

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