Dreams of Rivendell ch 4

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Trigger warning ⚠️ abuse rape blood ⚠️

She looked at me and she took me from Elronds arms and she started to sing in elvish I recognized the song and I started to sing it back to her she stopped singing but I continued I finished the song.

It was a song she had composed a lullaby the only ones who know it are her and Elrond and he never ever tried or considered it as he needed no convincing that I was his little one his Amaniel.

She held me in a tight embrace as though I would disappear of she let me go she stroke my hair and she nuzzled into my shoulder she said it is you my Amaniel my little princess my baby.

She was pregnant but she hadn't said a word to Elrond yet I knew it I could hear four hearts beating in this room I heard the baby loud and clear and I smiled.

Ada came closer and held us both he was like we are whole again my love she is home our little elleth is home now. That is when the world faded around the 4 of us

I woke up and then went back to sleep and
I had a vision of what happened to figwit later that night he was stuck in a cell In the dungeons and apparently Lindir went down there and used a cat of Ninetails  on him cut him up with some weird knife and then told him can't have you getting sick so he threw a bucket of salt water on him. told him that he arranged for him to be sent to Lothlorien and he would be kept under the watchful eyes of a the Galadrhim.
After this I rested and woke irl.

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