I'm Going Where?!

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"You're going to Summer School Milly, no excuses this time, you are falling behind."

"But Mum! I swear this time I'll study more- I won't skip anymore eith-"

"That's enough Milly, every single time we've mentioned this to you before, you've done nothing to prove to us that you don't need some extra help and tutoring." Dad said with mum nodding along, "We really just need you to be prepared for your final exams in near future."

I sighed, knowing that changing my parent's minds would be practically impossible at this point, guess I had no choice but to go.

"You'll be leaving in 3 days, in the meantime, I'll let you catch up with your friends since you'll be gone for most of the summer." Mum gave a sympathetic smile, I was at least grateful I could spend the last few days before Summer School with my friends, and of course, family too.

"Thanks," I replied wrapping my arms around my parents before running off to strum my guitar and play a few songs, guess I should look on the brighter side sometimes.


"Summer School tutoring? Alright then..." I immediately gave in to my parents, I had no hope in arguing anyway.

"That's a girl, and remember- make no mistakes, follow every single rule given even if you think they are unfair, and if something goes wrong- act happy. You will depart in 3 days." Mother replied with a faint stern smile, "I don't want any complaints from teachers saying you've disobeyed a rule or are acting 'down.'"

I gave a nod, "I have to help with the animal shelter now, is it okay if I have a lift since it is raining rather hard." I stood nervously.

"No, walk." Mother replied turning away, "Oh and if you're still wet when you come back, stay outside on the veranda and dry off, I don't like soggy carpets."

"Yes mother," I said as I opened the painted white wooden front door heading out into the rain. At least at Summer School I can have breaks and a bit of slack...


"You have to go to Summer School?? RIP..." Sean said on voice-call, "That must suck."

"Sucks to suck I guess." I slumped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, jee I forget how boring stuff can be sometimes.

"On the brighter side, maybe you could make some new friends there." Sean suggested trying to cheer me up a but

"Nah- I'll just power through it." I replied.

"You never know though Milly..."

I rolled my eyes and switched up the topic, I was kinda sick of thinking of Summer School.


Mud splashed up on my newly-cleaned fresh white socks as the rain poured down, I sighed in hopes of one day one of my mums would actually understand me, I want to take risks, see the world but I can't...yet.

Just then, as I walked by Rosemeadow café, I heard some familiar voices, was that... Jake and Zander...? I peeped through the large window to see the two boys and Hailey all having hot chocolates together, I wish I could join them. A thought then struck my mind, huh, Jake always said to me Zander wasn't a fan of him- yet they are chatting happily here? Interesting... must've been Hailey who'd invited him.

I quickly walked on realising I was a bit late to the Animal Shelter, luckily, the rain had lessened and had turned into more of a light shower. Finally, after some time, I arrived.


Aha sorry this is more like an introductory chapter which is why it's so short, second chapter will come soon ✨🤩🤝

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