Memories erased!

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Hey, so what did you think. i know so many grammar mistakes but  i don't care:)

Max's POV

I woke up on a metal table strapped down by handcuffs. White coats were around me, one with a needle! I started to struggle. They didn't pay attention. One of the White coats stopped right in front of me and looked me up and down.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I spat at her. She smiled.

"Hello, Maximum, we were going to start in about a few hours but i guess i can tell you the plan now that your awake." She smiled again.

Boy, was she ugly. She had a huge nose and looked about 50. Her eyes were completely black, and when she smiled, She looked like a hungry wolf.

"Call me Max, and I already knew your plan. You want me to be a good little girl and kill everyone you tell me too. I already heard that fairy tale before. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!" I yell.

She stopped smiling and started to look really, really pissed. (pardon my french.)

"Fine, then we will kill your flock one by one and make you watch!"

"They escaped. I'm not stupid."

"Yes, but we can capture them again!"

"I don't care. I hate them!" I started crying. Can you imagine that! Me crying!

She smiled.

"You do care. You would never let that happen." She said.

I didn't respond. She was right. I wouldn't let that happen no matter what.

"Oh and by the way, new change in plans. Were erasing your memories of the flock and removing your wings. We will turn you into a normal girl who goes too school." She said casually.

"LAIR! i know thats impossible without killing me!" I sounded harrible. I sounded weak and scared.

"Why in the world would I be kidding. It is possible and we will do it today. I hope you don't die in the process though. It is a little tricky." She walked out with the rest of the white coats.

I had no idea what to do. I could never forget the flock. Could I? I tried to remember the flock before we were captured. Fang so strong and quiet. Angel so cute and happy. Gazzy always pulling a joke. Iggy's cooking. And Nudge's motor mouth. And how could I live without my wings!  I cried and cried until who knows how long. It felt like days before they finally were ready for the surgery. The last thought that left my head until I blacked out was Fang trying to kiss me. The needle went into me and I was gone.

NO MAX DON'T GIVE UP, FIGHT THEM. oh wait i can make that happen. and i also put her in the school. wow am i evil or what. jk jk. anyway what did you think. please review!

Maximum ride: A Story of the FlockWhere stories live. Discover now