Chapter 30 - Eternal Summer

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Singapore Indoor Stadium

8.10pm Mengcheng Time/9.10pm Singapore Time

Some fans looked on Bodi and the rest of Rock Dog making their way towards the backstage of the Singapore Indoor Stadium, but a few would also take notice of Bodi's dad accompanying them onto the backstage, not a surprise since he also was carrying a backstage pass with him. Khampa told Bodi he wanted to tag along just to provide the band one final push of support.

The six Rock Dog members spent their backstage time warming up their vocals as Japan began their performance. They would be up two performances later.

(Song: "Kirari" by Fujii Kaze)

Bodi cleared his vocal cords together with his band and took some water to further clear their throats, but it was his father that looked excited. He was checking through Rock Dog's Twitter feed and found a lot of their supporters from across the world tagging their official hashtag and wishing each other well. Soon, more support arrived.

"Bodi! Your friends!" His father came rushing, showing the band members the phone, showing the band three particular videos. The first video was all the way from Johnny and Ash's friends at St Jupiter, as Marcus and the rest of the bar occupants, comprising of their friends, Ash's parents and even Calloway, in the frame.

"Hey Johnny, your Dad's calling from the bar!" arcus waved at Johnny "It's almost morning time here, so we just want to give you one more final push of support. Calloway?"

Ash was soon facing the old lion, simply giving a smile. "Just rock the house down, Ash! That's all we want!"

The video concluded with everyone in the bar shouting, "Good luck, Johnny and Ash!"

The next video came from Mengcheng, where Duke (the football star and Swifty's childhood friend) cheering the band from the Oasis bar. He popped by as an alumnus of MUST and, together with his sister and lawyer Dakota, filmed their video ahead of the Oasis crowd. Duke gave a signal before they shouted "Good luck, Rock Dog! Rock Dog, 加油!"

The band could even get a glimpse of Cody at the background of the video, the Dunk Tank Cat looking great as always. They also heard he got accepted into MUST as well.

Finally, the third video was personal for Bodi. Bodi's mum and Jun recorded their video from the village. "Bodi, this is your Mum. Jun's with me and we wanted to give you one more piece of advice, ok? No matter what happens on stage, just remember, you made us proud of what you've done, not just for our family, but for your community. Bodi and Rock Dog, fighting!"

"Fighting!" Bodi softly said out the word as he punched his fist in the air. There was still time to come before they had to ascend to the stage.

"Listen up, everyone," Bodi became serious. "We've been through this, thick and thin. Tonight, after over six months prepping for MMGP and now, the ASF, it all comes down to this. I know some of you are worried about screwing up on potentially the biggest stage in the Asia-Pacific, but tonight, let's be ourselves. Let's have fun and, more importantly, create a lasting impact. Sounds great?"

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