Chapter 7 - Let Me Entertain You

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End of September 2024

Rock Dog Mansion


Moments after the Top Cats surprised Angus, the former UK band were back together in the living room, enjoying the canapes Ozzy the robot had prepared in advance (actually, Hans called Ozzy five days before the Top Cats' arrival). While Janus, Hans and Fredrick drank their cans of beer, Angus (under doctor's orders) stick to water.

The chatter had attracted Grem and Trey, who sneaked behind and witnessed the banter between Angus and the three other cats.

"Oh my goodness!" Trey was pumped up. "Is that Angus's former band?"

"It sure is," Grem looked on. "Janus, Hans, Fredrick, I can recognise them. What on earth are they doing here?"

"Beats me. I just want to get their autographs."

"Hey, shut it, Trey! Let Angus has his moment. After so many days absent, let him be happy this time!"

Trey shrugged. "Yeah, let him be. Speaking of, where's Darma?"


"Yes, Bodi, I know," Darma was inside her bedroom waiting for her boyfriend to come home. "And did you tell your parents about plans for us to get married? What do they say?"

After a few moments, her expression changed from concern to relief. "Thanks, Bodi. I think we can sort it out, then. See you soon, Bodi."

Darma hung up her phone and lied on her bed. She knew Bodi would be coming home, and Johnny and Ash would be arriving at the mansion soon. However, the idea of marrying someone not her species still bothered her.

The fox got up from her bed. She wasted half of the day already and needed to get out of her comfort zone, and fast.


"You shouldn't have, Janus!"

"Angus, we're here for you! You haven't contacted us in about eight years, so I thought you were dead or something."

"About to, Janus. Unfortunately."

"Wait, wait, wait... YOU WHAT???"

The mood in the living room shifted quickly. Janus was dumbfounded, Hans went speechless, Fredrick covered his biceps in shock and behind the wall, Grem and Trey tripped on each other and the Top Cats immediately faced their attention to the fallen goat and cheetah.

"What on earth are you doing?!" Angus leapt out. "Are you two spying on us?"

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