Chapter 21 - Renegades

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Once Bodi began sleeping, he was dreaming again. This time, he was floating in space, surrounded by the planets of the solar system. This was going to be one of those dreams.

Asteroids in the form of phrases flew around him, surrounding the mastiff like a wall. Soon, all he could see were the white words, but they were the same three words. Bodi was able to spot the word string, and it was very obvious.

I'll Never Change

By the time Bodi woke up from his dream, he witnessed the first sight of a winter morning, but it was not the view outside that he was thinking of; those three words, they sew into his mind.

"I'll never change. We'll never change," muttered Bodi. Suddenly, like a lightning bolt, he jumped out of the bed and began writing on a notepad. The mastiff knew what he had to do.


Early February 2025, Two Days Later

Rock Dog Mansion

Today was the day Rock Dog record what would be their Asia Song Festival entry. After Bodi showed the rest of the band what he wrote, they dropped everything and began composing and arranging the song together. There was something about it that had a deep, emotional feeling to them.

They only needed three hours to draft the final version of the song and one more hour to record it, but by the time Ian received the first copy of the song from his studio in downtown Mengcheng, he called them back immediately. "I need to watch you perform it now! It's perfect!"

The next afternoon, as the Rock Dog members set up for the studio performance of the song (expecting Ian and others to come to the studio), Bodi and Darma had a chat inside Angus's guitar showcase.

After Bodi explained how his dream let to the song, the fox had a chuckle. "I was thinking something similar too, you know."

"About the song?"

"No, about you."

"Oh. I was thinking more about the song than your parents."

"Anyway, do your parents agree with this?"

"They're still in talks with your parents. I think they wanted to agree terms of our potential marriage."

"Then we'll let them handle it. For now, we have a song to perform."

Bodi fist-pumped his girlfriend. "My thoughts exactly!"

Just in time, in comes their robot butler Ozzy, guiding their guests into the studio. Of course, Ian was there, but he was wheeling Angus (in his hospital PJs) inside. "Angus!" everyone pumped over seeing him back.

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