The Lab(chapter 2)

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Warning, this chapter includes:
Basically torture
There might be more warnings, but I don't wanna ruin the story and idkam

(this is half a year after Lulu and Sans met and ever since that day, they'd met up countless times)

(Lulu's pov)

I'm in the forest, then I feel something poke my leg, I look down and see a tranquility dart, I know what's going to happen.I run away from where I am.

*half an hour later*

I started to feel the effects of the tranquility dart, I see someone, they looked like a lizard monster, I get myself into a hole in a tree, I then pass out.When I came to, I was in a cell, in plain white clothes(shorts and a shirt), I heard about super psycho hybrids getting kidnapped and experimented on, but I thought I wasn't easy to tell if I was, the same monster I saw earlier walked by the cell.I would of teleported out of here if they didn't put a collar on me that was a mix of a shock collar and a collar that stopped me from using my magic, my mouth was taped up.Probably cause of my ability to control others by singing, but it only happens when I want it to.

I start trying to destroy the bars of the cell, but I get shocked by the shock collar, I scream all the swear words I know, but it was pretty muffled.I go to the farthest corner from the cell door and cry, the only thing going through my mind was 'this has to be a floofing terrible nightmare, this can't be real!' I cry, I pray that whoever that lizard monster was, that they feel sorry and let me go.

*3 hours later*

The lizard monster comes into my cell, they grab my sore arm, I cry in pain, I don't know why my arm was sore.

They drag me out of the cell and into the experimentation room, they put those terrible restraints on my arms and legs, they then get a needle(the ones doctors use, not what you would use to sew)and inject whatever was in it, I've always had a fear of needles, but now I know why I had such a big fear.I end up fainting, when I came to, I was back in my cell, but I was sorta melting, must of been whatever that stuff was that did this to me.

*1 week later*

I learned the lizard monster's name, Kate, she has a daughter, who would be in the lab, but only went up to my cell, not the others, her name was Alphys, today, Kate dragged me into a bigger cell, there were other monsters, messed up even worse than me, I was scared of them, but then we started to plan an escape plan.Even though only one of us would even get the chance to be free, but everyone agreed to repeat the plan after everything had calmed down after the first escape.Everyone voted for who should be the one to escape, I voted for another monster, but almost everyone else voted for me.I was surprised to say the least, I hugged everyone, even though I left a residue on the ones who weren't melting at all.

*the next day*

Kate told us to behave and said she'd be gone for the day, when she left, no one else was around, other than my new friends, they gripped onto the collar and pulled from all different angles, until it broke, I was able to turn into my non melting form, I teleported home, after saying goodbye and good luck to my friends, I change into some actually good clothes.I missed home so much.

I go to one of my spare rooms and start installing new shelves, I then made a manican(idk how to spell.... Help)I filled the shelves with sewing stuff.

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