When Sans And Lulu First Met + more(chapter 1)

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(in the process of being edited, so enjoy the half done one, because I'm getting tired, also I need a break..the rest of the book isn't fully relevant anymore)

Trigger warnings:
*Attempted surprise adoption.

(Sans's pov((BTW, this is actually from what he can remember from this day{he's five}and how he changed it in his mind, if it was from the actual day, he'd be referred to as a she and to as Sarah in this chapter, because in my AU, he's a trans male, please don't judge)))

I got away from my dad, because he wasn't letting me play, I got a good distance from him, before I came across a stranger, he looked weird, he didn't look like any of the monsters I've seen, he looked more like the pictures of humans I've seen, but with horns, wolf ears, wings and very light pink hair, something about his eyes was weird.He grabbed my hand and started to drag me to some type of portal, I screamed as loud as I could, in hopes of someone, anyone to see what's going on and save me, I dug in my heels to try to delay what was happening.When he was about to pull me through the portal I heard someone yell"hey!Let the kid go!Or I'll have to make you do so forcefully, I thought a beta like you, Roxy, would know better!"

Before whoever it was walked up behind me, I couldn't see them, but it sounded like a female, he quickly let me go and backed away"wait a minute, you look off, I'll talk with you later..."she says, the portal closes."So kid, what's your name?"She asks, "S̶a̶r̶a̶h̶ Sans, your name?"I ask, "my name is Lucinda, but please refer to me as Lulu, anyways, we should probably find your parents"she says, starting to walk in the same direction I had come from, I followed, after a few minutes of walking, I saw my dad.

"Oh, hello Lulu, I see you found S̶a̶r̶a̶h̶ Sans for me, thanks"he says, then those two talk for hours about adult stuff, we then went back to my house, mum was there, so she got to talk to Lulu, those two talked for ages, apparently they knew each other already.I ended up falling asleep at some point.

*3 years later(Sans is now eight)*

Because mum and dad were both busy with my baby brother Papyrus, I ended up being dropped off at Lulu's house, which was interesting, it was hidden, huge and had half finished craft projects everywhere.She had a lot of craft supplies and she was willing to let me use them, I ended up making a couple of bracelets, two of them matching, one for me, one for her, kinda like friendship bracelets."So..kid, I have something somewhat serious to talk to you about.."Lulu says, giving me a bracelet that had some sort of rainbow gem, "if you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation, hold down the rainbow gem, I figured out a way to make it so it'll notify me that you're in danger, I won't explain how exactly it works, because I'm not good at explaining."

We talked about some other stuff, she then got a call, she answered it"hello?Oh, hi Gast(one of the nicknames Lulu has for Gaster), okay, I'll see you soon"she says, then hangs up.She picked me up and teleported to my home"see ya later kid"she says, before teleporting away.

*a few months later*

(Lulu's pov{she changed this in her mind too, so it's not how it was originally})

Gaster and Crystal(Sans and Papyrus's mum)had to go back to work, so I had to babysit their kids, we were at my house, because I didn't feel very safe outside of my home after the 'incident', I was doing some sewing well watching both of them.I heard a window break and I quickly looked in that direction to see a human, they had broken in, I quickly got in between the kids and the human, I don't care if I get hurt, all I care right now is keeping the kids safe.I growled at the human, trying to give them a chance to flee, but they pulled out a knife, I tried to seem as big as possible, thinking that might scare them off, nope, they just got closer.

"Leave or I'll have to do something violent and trust me, you don't want to see me do something violent"I say sternly, that seemed to only make them want to attack me even more"don't say I didn't warn you, S̶a̶r̶a̶h̶ Sans, pick up your brother and try to get to somewhere safe, there's a lot of hidden areas you could go."I summon a blaster, which was more like a mix of a dragon and sugar glider skull"this is one last warnin-"I was cut off, because the human jumped at me, making me fall back and attempted to stab me in the chest, they only managed to make a hole in my shirt, because the knife luckily went in between my ribs.They let go of the knife and punched me really hard in the skull, causing my skull to crack, after a minute, I kicked them, the only reason I didn't do so before I got punched, was because I had hit my skull on the floor, dazing me.

I aimed my blaster at the human and got up"it's a nice day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, humans like you, should be burning in he|-"I was cut off by a smaller blaster firing, I guessed it was S̶a̶r̶a̶h̶'s Sans's.I finished off the human and looked behind me, the kids were still there, S̶a̶r̶a̶h̶ Sans looked scared and Papyrus was crying, I didn't know what exactly to do, 

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