"Yes." I whined pathetically, burying my face in his shoulder as I groaned in frustration, "I hate him."

Harry's chest vibrated in a snicker, "No, you don't."

"You're right, I don't." I sighed, circling my arms around his torso as I hugged him tightly, "Happy I'm home. Missed you."

Life with Harry had been everything I could've ever dreamed of. The house was insane and felt so much like a proper home. And having Harry here made it all so much better. We had been so solid ever since he got out of Clarendale's, and our relationship had been smooth sailing from that point on. We still had regular therapy chats with Nick, but they had spread out to about once every month while Harry visited him more often for separate therapy about his former addiction.

He had been good so far, no slip ups or relapses, and the best thing was definitely the communication. We were now the couple that everyone envied, and we kind of enjoyed that title.

"Want me to cheer you up?" Harry mumbled in my hair and I hummed back, "Yes, please."

"I made chicken roast for you."

I smiled into his chest before pulling my head back so I could see him, "I can smell that. Thank you so much, it's going to be amazing. Did you have an easy day then?"

"Mhm," He nodded, stroking my hair, "Went to the mansion for work this morning but I usually take Friday afternoons off now to work in the garden and then cook for you for when you get back."

"Lucky me." I murmured, fondly smiling up at Harry who returned it, "Lucky you indeed. Might need a reward later tonight."

I rolled my eyes, "You need a reward every Friday."

He threw his head back in a laugh, "I know."

"You don't have to bend over backwards to get sex from me, Harry. I don't only sleep with you to give you rewards." I chuckled and he shrugged, "I know, but it's fun." His lips came down on my forehead and I tilted my head up to get one on my lips after that.

"Where are the babies?" I asked as I glanced around the living room.

"Both on the bed, locked them up for a bit since they tried to snatch the kitchen constantly." He spoke in disappointment, and I chuckled under my breath, "Bad cats."

Both cats were doing great ever since moving in with us. We absolutely adored them and they had turned into the bestest of friends. Cat had given us a right scare a couple of months ago when he ran away for a couple of days. Eventually he returned but it was clear he had been hit by a car. Harry and I rushed him to the vet with tears in our eyes, and he had amputated one of his legs. He always had a bad leg, and was now a three-legged fur baby who got lots of love and kisses on the daily.

Cleocatra had grown weirdly protective over him and the two of them were inseparable. After that incident, Harry hadn't let Cat out of the house for weeks until the poor thing sat crying by the door while Cleocat was out on her own, lounging in the garden.

I eventually persuaded Harry in giving Cat some of his freedom back, and he happily hopped around on his three legs ever since. He still didn't do very well with other people, but had no issue with me or Harry. He had nearly scratched out Ian's eye a couple of weeks ago.

"Only one good pussy around here and it's you." Harry smirked.

"Harry!" I laughed, smacking his chest as my cheeks reddened, "God damn it, I'm never going to get used to you talking like that." I grinned as I untangled myself from his grip and Harry cackled, "At least I got you to smile. Hey, you know what else might cheer you up?"

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