Chapter 2

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The bathroom was simple, yet ornate. Dark granite tiles contrasting the oversized clawfoot tub with gold fixtures against the back wall. The toilet and his and hers vanity mirrors directly opposite of each other. A steel wire hamper sitting next to the door. Towels displayed neatly beside the sink, as well as on a rack beside the tub.

The room smelled of lavender, eucalyptus, and heat. Perse sat on the edge of the tub, stirring salts into the water with her hand. Same button up, sleeves rolled to the elbow, but now he could see her legs. Creamy skin and delicate muscles. He wished to replace her hand on her thigh with his own. To burn his own touch into her as she did him.

Hannibal cleared his throat as he stepped toward the bath.

"Go ahead and undress." She spoke, never looking at him. Something in her voice compelled him to do as told. Depositing the pajamas he woke from his comatose in into the hamper, he made his was to the young woman before him. "Get in" offering her hand in assistance.

The warmth enveloped him as he submerged his body, the water cloudy enough from the salts that Persephone finally looked at him.

"Will told me everything already. Start to finish." She started, as she filled a cup with water, a finger hooked under Hannibal's chin forcing his head to tip back before pouring the cups contents over his hair. "He's an open book, but said you'd be rather hard to get close to." She took a small pump from the shampoo bottle "I'm inclined to argue with him, of course."

His eyes closed to stop himself from staring at the way the brow slightly furrowed. Gentle fingers massaged the soap into his hair, her nails grazing his scalp softly.

"You're not afraid of me? Of Will?"

A slight hum left her, before she began to rinse his hair. "Not particularly, no." The smell of jasmine mingled with the smells of the room as she worked conditioner into his hair. "I believe we are...equals."

The slight pause caused Hannibal's eyes to flutter open. She gave the same sweet smile, a warm washcloth in hand as she set to bathing him.

"Do you know about the murders?" His voice was low, his body tensing slightly, ready to pull her head beneath the water.

"Yes." She said, unbothered. "Who do you think cleaned the body off the bluff?"

His eyes met hers, a sense of shock rolling through him, quelled as she moved to wash his chest.

"It's rather hard to drag two unconscious men, as well as a dead body into the house. He was in a cooler, thankfully. I saw to you two first."

"How did the situation make you feel?" He hoped she would say something along the lines of 'disgusted' or 'horrified'

"Slight panic. I was concerned that you wouldn't be able to wake up." Persephone admitted. "Will was awake in less than a day, content to leave you rest. Had we known it would be nearly a month, I would've hooked you up to a car battery then." A smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Am i your prisoner?" Hannibal's voice cracked slightly.

"No, Hannibal, you're not." All joking in her voice vanished "I would like you to live here, freedom and all. I only have a few rules, and wish to offer you a job working with me, as well."

He couldn't seem to speak. Couldnt question. She clearly noticed, as she stroked his cheek. "I've made a place for you both. Here, with me, if you wish to have it." She stood, drying her hands "Now, Hannibal, finish up. Ill have clothes set out for you in my room. Door at the end of the hall. We can go from there."

Another sweet smile, eyes twinkling.

She said his name so easily.

Something in his chest nearly exploded as she left. The room no longer smelled sweet, but began to feel bitter and cold.

Memories played in his head. The sweet face of Persephone as she pulled him into her boat. The roar of the engine. Her voice yelling over it, telling them to hold on. The smell of spices and candied apples as she drug him into her home. "Please, wake up, come on!" Her voice frustrated as she tried to dress his limp body in warm clothes. Hearing "Good Morning" and "Good Night" everyday, while she touched his face. Feeling her sit on the edge of his bed, reading a new book to him everyday.

Before Hannibal could register his actions, he was standing in her bedroom doorway, dripping onto the hardwood, with only a towel around his waist. Will couldnt help but choke back a laugh at Hannibal's bewildered look.

"What are y-Oh!" Persephone jumped, startled by the naked man, warm clothes for him in her hands as she stepped out of the walk in closet.

"Hannibal, are you lost?" Will joked, shutting his book with a small thump. "Put some damn clothes on!"

Persephone laughed a moment, picking up an extra towel and draping it over Hannibal's head. "Will, leave him be. Here, darling, get dressed." Handing him the clothes, craning her neck up to look at him, he felt paralyzed.

She was at least five foot eight. A scar in her left eyebrow. A smaller one almost hidden beneath her bottom lip. Another just beside her right ear. Her hair swirled gingerly over her shoulders to stop at the top of her breasts.

She pulled him into the bedroom, chiding Will to leave, attempting to follow him out. Hannibal gripped her arm, to steady himself, or to keep her from leaving, he didn't know. The door clicked shut. His throat felt dry as she watched him.

"Are you tired, Hannibal? Would you like to go to bed?" She raised an eyebrow, watching as he slowly pulled her to him.

"Just a taste." His response triggered something. The way her pupils dilated, the pulse in her neck becoming more pronounced.

He couldn't help himself. All restraint was gone. The clothes in his fingers dropped to the floor. One hand slipped into the hair at the nape of her neck, the other undoing the buttons of her shirt with ease. He leaned in, and she did nothing to halt his actions.

"Tell me to stop." He whispered, their lips less than a breath away.

"No." Was all she could say before his lips descended upon hers. Her shirt was easily discarded before picking her up. The towel fell as he deposited her onto the bed, covering her body with his own. He reveled in her soft gasps as he kissed and nipped at her neck. Palming her thigh, hooking his fingers into the waistband of her panties, sliding them off in one smooth motion before returning his mouth to the top of her breast.

He ignored the aches and protests of his muscles. Her nails bit at the back of his neck as he worked his way down her body. Tongue trailing her abdomen before kissing the crest of her hip. She yelped when he bit down and sucked, a bruise left in his wake.

He wanted more of those noises. More of the sweet aroma of her body. More of her.

He kneeled on the floor at the foot of the bed, dragging her to the edge, a porcelain thigh on each of his shoulders. The sight of her watching him was breath taking. Eyelids heavy, lips red and swollen.

An absolute goddess.


Such a desperate plea, how could he deny her?

The door all but slammed open causing Persephone to jolt up, knocking Hannibal down to the floor.

"oh! I'm sorry!" Will shouted "I just wanted my book!" The door shut as quickly as it opened.

Persephone laughed, hopping off the bed. "That was a first!" She took Hannibal's hand, pulling him to his feet before redressing herself. "Get dressed, I'll go bribe Will." She smiled before bounding out the door.

A first, indeed

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