Taehyun laughed and nodded, saying, "I understand."

"So, what I've gathered is that we're able to do anything related to schoolwork, or just talking about the transition between grades. So, we could just talk about some advice for this school for the whole hour and still receive credit for it. We just have to make sure we answer any questions that our supervising teacher may ask us when she's signing off on our time."

"It sounds pretty easy," Taehyun admitted, "I can't see how this program wouldn't be taken advantage of. It looks like it'll fall directly on the teachers if students start fraudulently reporting time that they didn't actually spend."

"Yeah, I don't know how long it'll last," Beomgyu said with a shrug, "I need all the extra credit I can get, though. If they end it, then I'll be struggling in other ways. We'll just have to wait and see how things turn out. Considering there's a lot of people in here for this already, it seems like they have a good startup as far as student count goes."

Taehyun nodded, looking around as some of the other students in the program were either talking or looking at their textbooks and other papers. It looked like a lot of them were discussing what they needed to be talking about. Hopefully, the school wouldn't end this program. Taehyun didn't want to transfer either and leave Beomgyu without a partner. For some reason, Taehyun wanted to help Beomgyu get the extra credit he needed.

"What should we start with?" Taehyun asked curiously.

"I guess whatever class you're struggling in," Beomgyu told him, "Taehyun, I have to admit, I'm not the smartest person out there. You may not want to trust me for answers. I just skated by last year, and to be honest, I don't remember a lot of the concepts."

Taehyun had to urge himself not to laugh about Beomgyu's confession. What was he doing in a mentoring program if he didn't know a lot of the concepts? Then again, Beomgyu wanted to be paired up with Yeonjun from the start. He probably wasn't expecting that he was going to tutor people. Taehyun should've just went with Soobin and Huening Kai.

"Well, that's okay," Taehyun shrugged, running a hand through his hair before continuing, "I actually have all A's in my classes, and I'm pretty confident that they'll stay that way. If you want, I could try and help you with some of your classes."

"Isn't that kind of the opposite of what we're suppose to be doing? I'm suppose to tutor you, not the other way around."

"Well, what do you suggest?" Taehyun said suddenly, annoyance clear in his voice. "If you can't help me, then what are we suppose to do for this whole study hall hour?"

He didn't mean to snap at Beomgyu, but it was starting to anger him. Taehyun really didn't need this mentoring program. He joined just so that Soobin would be happy. Also, he was just trying to help Beomgyu out and here he was, trying to reject his support. He should've been more focused on school and maybe he wouldn't have had bad grades in his classes.

"I doubt that you'll even be able to help me," Beomgyu muttered, matching his annoyed tone, "You're just a freshman."

Taehyun groaned out loud from his comment. This was one of the reasons why he seemed to have a bad relationship with people who were older than him. They always seem to discount him because of his age. It happened all the time to him. In boxing class, a junior had said that Taehyun was too young to even lay a finger on him. Well, Taehyun had proved him wrong and laid more than just a finger on him. He left that kid on the mat in a daze. When students at his private school assumed that they were smarter than him just because they were grades older than him, Taehyun proved them wrong by showing them his test scores. He had been proving people wrong his entire life and it wasn't going to stop here with Beomgyu.

"When I was in private school, I learned a lot of subjects," Taehyun explained calmly, "I could probably try and figure it out if you showed me."

"I know you went to a private school, you only said that like a thousand times since you got here," Beomgyu murmured, "Sorry we weren't as privileged as you."

That one stung a lot, because there was some truth to his accusation. Is that what people thought of when they saw Taehyun? He did grow up in a privileged environment, but he definitely wasn't involved in that anymore. He was used to getting what he wanted, but over the summer, he had a huge wake-up call. Beomgyu wouldn't understand that and Taehyun wasn't going to waste his time to try and tell him.

Taehyun had to clench his jaw to prevent himself from retaliating. He glanced down and noticed that his fists were clenched tightly in his lap. His knuckles were beginning to turn white from his anger. He didn't want to get in a fight, but he didn't understand what Beomgyu's problem was. If he wanted to be with Yeonjun so bad, then he should've told him front the start. All Taehyun was trying to do was help him and he had to retort with personal jabs.

"You know, I think this was a mistake," Taehyun said suddenly, standing up and gathering his stuff.

Soobin, Yeonjun, and Huening Kai had noticed him standing and they shot him questionable gazes. Beomgyu could figure out what to say to him. He was sure that he'd badmouth him. Who cares? Taehyun thought to himself. He wasn't going to waste time on this stupid program.

Taehyun slung his backpack over his shoulder and walked out of the library. His footsteps echoed on the hallway floor as he made his way to the front office. Rage was blocking his thoughts. All he could think was how hurt and angry he was.

He swung open the office door, noticing that a few of the administrators glanced up at him in shock. He walked up to one of them, the lady he had talked to when he first got here.

"Hi, my name is Kang Taehyun, I need some assistance getting out of the mentoring program," Taehyun told her in a shaky voice.

He watched as the administrator pursued her lips before typing something in on the computer. That didn't seem like a good reaction. He rested his clenched hands on the counter, focusing on trying to calm down as he listened to the sound of the keyboard clicking.

"Unfortunately, the program is made to ensure that students stay in for at least one month," the administrator read on the computer screen before looking back at him, "I'm sorry, is there something else I can do for you?"

Taehyun shook his head, not wanting to hear that answer at all. He just wanted out. He ran a hand through his tousled hair before looking around for a moment. What else could he do?

"What about a change in partners?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, again, the mentoring program requires that you stay with your original partner for one month," the administrator murmured, "Is there something else?"

Taehyun laughed to himself and shook his head. Of course, it was just his luck. No wonder why the school was able to keep the mentoring program going. They had planned this out well. He was locked in for a month with Beomgyu. He didn't know how this was going to work. After today, he had a particular disdain for him.

"I'll just figure it out myself," Taehyun muttered before walking out of the office and slamming the door behind him.

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