Calalini - Kaai Yuki

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A sad but true story of a little girl with schizophrenia.

This one is actually not as bad as the others but is still not the best thing to play at a kid's birthday.

Kaai Yuki's haunting vocals and the tune of the song you can already tell it will be a horrific song.

This song is actually based off Jani Schofield, a little girl with the most severe case of childhood schizophrenia ever as she has seen over 200 hallucinations.

Some of the hallucinations have the names Wednesday, Sycamore, 24 hours and 400.

Most of them tell her to do bad things such as yell at strangers, kill people and other horrifying things.

The story, for the first time ever is more horrifying than the actual song.

The fact that a kid was only six going through all of this is just sad.

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