the fox's wedding -Gumi and Hatsune Miku

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Y'all knew this was coming.
Yes the fox's wedding! Based off a Japanese folk tale, for horrifying songs that weirdly include sex, this one really takes the cake!

Gomene Gomene is bad but this one actually may be worse!

The frightful imagery and the fast beat makes it a song you could become very concerned about.

Gumi and Miku have done a few bad songs together but I don't think any are worse than this one.

I couldn't find the original so I had to make do with this one.

This song talks about cannibalism, suicide, sex and degradation of the other as in one part Miku says "Stay quiet or I'll kill you." And gumi responds with "Yes master, whatever you say."

This song is probably the worst one so far as it talks about all of the above with excruciatingly accurate detail.

The songs beat and lyrics are actually very catchy. I have caught myself singing this in the shower on multiple occasions.

If it were possible, I'd rate this 21+ as it can really scar a kid looking up the true meaning of this song.

Next is probably the detailing of the music video.

It shows dressware that is probably not appropriate for -16's as it shows parts that most kids would find disgusting.

This song should definitely not be played at a kid's birthday party as some parts could give kids nightmares.

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