•Chapter 39

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January 18th, 1538, Hampton Court.

It was a few weeks after Christmas. My uncle was buried and the new pope was put in his place.

Jane Seymour had married the week after her sister's wedding and had moved to the north of the country with her husband. She had already written several letters hoping to see her son but Henry did not read them and I immediately burned the letters.

I had to admit that Edward was an adorable child, but I couldn't love him the way I loved Elizabeth and James, as much as I wanted to try.

Edward was innocent of his mother's actions and I had taken his mother from him. All I could do was be a mother to him so that he would feel loved.

As if I didn't have enough problems to worry about, Henry had also chosen to make Cromwell a baron, which meant more power and more money.

Many people were unhappy with him, especially Charles Brandon and Francis Bryant. Even Mary showed her dislike to Cromwell.

It felt good to know that I wasn't the only one who hated him, which meant I had more people supporting me through his demise.

I knew that with the power I was gaining over Henry I could do a lot more.

I secretly hoped that I would have a boy, that way my place would be even more secure than it already was.


I was having dinner with Henry and Margaret, who was still at court.

"Henry, isn't it time your daughter Mary got married? She's in her 20s and getting old." Brought up Margaret. "She is right." I agreed "If you wait too long, her beauty will go to waste."

Henry thought. "Who is a suitable candidate for her then?" He asked "Several people have already asked for her hand but this was far from England

Margaret thought briefly. "We should ask Mary herself, only she can tell what she wants. I'm in the process of finding a suitable suitor for my own son too, even though he's too busy with his mistresses to even think about it." She rolled her eyes.

I giggled. "I hope we can find him a suitor before our own James comes of age. But of course the Lady Elizabeth would have to go first, then Edward and the baby. It makes me nervous just thinking about it."

"Well luckily we still have plenty of time. Nothing to worry about." said Henry.

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