Somehow, Voldemort had pushed her back to the bridge, the rain pattered onto the roof while the wind was whirling around them.

But they were surrounded by the light of their own spells, by the beam of the light of all kinds of colours. Talea was growing tired, only one question was filling her head.

When would it finally be over? She was exhausted.

Thunder was erupting on the sky above them, a flash lit up the dark surrounding their own bubble. Another loud noise was heard and at first Talea thought it was just another sound of the thunderstorm but when she turned to the side, barely missing one of Voldemorts spells, she saw that she was wrong.

The door to Hogwarts entrance hall were wide open and there was a figure or two running in their direction. She wasn't able to make them out, as she was too busy sending spell after spell at Voldemort. She felt like he was slowly loosing interest in this game, his spells had gotten more powerful, darker and were aimed at her with full speed.

Talea wanted to identify these people, she wanted to scream at them to get away but she couldn't. She had to focus completely onto this fight, she had to bend everything else out, instead she would loose.

A small voice in her head told her that it was only a matter of time anyway. She felt like throwing up.

But then it felt like the time had stopped. A pain she had never felt before shot through her body. Her legs gave in as she fell to the ground, her right hand clenched around her left forearm. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Voldemort bend over in pain. It happened within seconds but it felt like forever, when her knees hit the ground, she let out a blood-curling scream. This pain was like nothing she had ever endured before, it was as if every pain she had ever felt was exploding in her body.

The snake was dead.

And so was a part of Voldemorts soul.

Voldemort. She forced her mind back to reality, to stop the pain. She told herself that pain was just an illusion of her own brain, nothing real. Just the fact that it was.

Talea saw Bellatrix's wand laying only a few inches away from her. This was the moment she had waited for. This was the end of everything.

Her hands clasped around the wood and she was quick to pull her body up from the ground. She whirled around, her wand raised but it was already too late.

Voldemort held the most powerful wand tightly in his hand. His arm was already dropping to his side again because he had already done it. He had already whirled a spell towards her.

Her eyes widened as they settled on the green beam of light.

Talea knew that this had been inevitable.

She was never meant to kill him, she was meant to help him get killed.

She let out soft gasp as the curse hit her right into her chest.

There was a single tear dropping down her cheek, sad or relieved, she wasn't able to figure it out herself.

And as she was pushed back from the force of the spell, she crashed into the banister of the bridge.

The last thing she saw, before falling into the deep, were the two people running towards her.

Shock was drawn over their face.

She wished they wouldn't have seen it.

Even in her death she would never forget the frightened face of Eloise Melancon and Sirius Black, watching her as she fell down the bridge.


What Talea wasn't able to witness anymore, was how Voldemort fell to the ground, not noticing the danger behind him. He bend over in pain. 

Sirius had stopped in his tracks, his legs collapsed and he fell to the ground, his eyes never leaving the spot where Talea had previously been. 

His heart felt like it had shattered into a million pieces. The thunder had stopped, the sun was slowly coming out again but he felt like he had been dipped into darkness. Within seconds his heart had grown cold. 

He was still in state of pure shock, not being able to shed a tear and therefore didn't notice that the blonde girl that had been by his side only seconds ago hadn't stopped. 

Eloise face was tear-strained. At first she had wiped them off her face, not wanting to show weakness in front of her so-called father. 

But she had stopped, letting them run down er face freely. She wanted to know that she was able to feel, that she was able to love.

That she was nothing like her father. 

His back was turned towards her as she lit up the flame in her hands. Eloise had felt drained before, she hadn't been able to rise a single flicker of fire in her palms only seconds before. 

But now her flame was bigger than ever, it was as if all of the anger and frustration had lit up a flame inside her body. 

Eloise could have burned him to ashes right now. 

It would have been easy, his back was turned towards her. 

But she wouldn't go easy on him. She would play with him, like he did with Talea. 

That was what she deserved; Revenge. 

"Missed me father?" she spat the last word as if it had been mouldy food. 

Voldmeorts head snapped up, he was qucik to pull himself up. He turned around quickly, wand raised at his own flesh. 

His eyes snapped to the flame in her palms "Phoenix." 

"It's Eloise." 

He ignored the comment and gave her a plain look "I've won, it's time you switch to the better side." 

She shook her head "I already am on the better side and no, you haven't won. What do you think you've won? You are a murderer and for you, her death was only a part of your stupid game. You think you're powerful and have everything, but in reality you have nothing. You are feared but that is not a good thing or do you think that your followers won't turn against you as soon as they have the slightest chance. You don't know love, you only know hate. And if you call that victory, then you are not powerful, then you are pathetic."

His face turned into a sneer "Like you said, I don't know love, therefore I won't hesitate to kill you, Phoenix."

But before he was even able to react, flames surrounded him like a wall, Eloise hands were raised in the air and the flames were coming closer and closer to his body. 

Voldemort tried to extinguish the flames but it was no use. No one was able kill them. 

Before he could say another word, Eloise send the flames onto him. But they didn't burn his skin, no they were burning somewhere else. 

Eloise turned his back towards him and walked towards Sirius, listening to the screams of the "Dark Lord", while her flames burned him from the inside. 

Some people would say that she is a monster but as she thought back to all of the deaths he had caused, to all of the lives he had made a nightmare, to all of the people that were affected by his darkness, then the only thing she thought was how much he had deserved it. 

She had done it for Talea. 

She had done it for her mother. 

Eloise leaned down next to Sirius, pulling him into her arms. She placed her chin onto his head, his sobs muffled by her dirty shirt. 

And when she looked up, she saw them standing in the door frame. 

James, Lily, Peter, Mary, Dorcas, Fabian, Gideon, Eira, Regulus, Marlene and Remus. 

It only took them a second to understand what had happened. 

And that's when Eloise thought; If the war is now over and Voldemort is dead, then where is our happy ever after?

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now