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~ we grow fearless when we do things in fear~

~ we grow fearless when we do things in fear~----------

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Talea woke up with a start, her head was pounding and her body ached. Darkness surrounded her like a heavy cloak, it covered her but it didn't keep the coldness away as she shuddered. 

She let out a groan and sat up a little bit straighter. Talea held a hand to her throbbing head and tried to take in her surroundings. She sat on a cold concrete floor, her back slightly leaning on a wall and she was able to make out the shape of the room. 

She had to be in some kind of cell, there was a heavy black door at the other end of the small heavy room with just a small square to look through that was covered in bars. Talea noticed that only a small window, also with bars, provided the room with just a little bit of light. But it wasn't sunlight, it seemed to be the moon that was shining though the bars. 

How long has she been in here? 

But where was she even? And that's when everything came back. She felt her heard clench as she remembered the attack on the Ministry, Ivars hand around her arm and as she turned around, he was changing right in front of her eyes into non-other than Augustus Rockwood.

She should have realised... 

Talea remembered the times when she looked at Ivar, curious why he always seemed to be drinking out of a large, metallic water bottle. She assumed that he just liked to stay hydrated but as she thought about it now, it only made sense that he was drinking Polyjuice potion. 

He always asked her weird questions about her seer abilities and her personal life; she should have known that something was off. It was only then that Talea realised that she did notice that something was off. She always had a weird feeling in her stomach when Ivar and her crossed paths but she never really thought about it until now.

She remembered the weird nightmares she had, when Rockwood was called by Voldemort to find out more about her. She should have gotten suspicious when the death eater told him that he knew that she was a seer, no one really knew except for the Order and the Unspeakables. Talea knew that he was a spy for Voldemort, the Ministry was searching for him. 

But how did he manage to get around all of the security spells in the Department of Mysteries? How did he manage to disobey the Unbreakable Vow? And if the real Ivar Marshall really existed, where was he now?

She had so many questions but what worried her the most was that she didn't know what happened after she blacked out. Did the Ministry fall? What happened to her friends and Sirius? Oh, Sirius... was he alright? Is he hurt? And if he's physically, he's probably mental by now, he had to watch as she was pulled into the fireplace... he had seen it all. 

Her mind was racing with thoughts and she looked for her wand, it was nowhere to be found, she bet that they took it. It was as if all the pain came back at once, she had been too distracted to notice it before. Talea gasped as she saw the slice on her leg, it was deep and red but it had stopped bleeding by now... That didn't mean that she hadn't lost blood. In fact, next to her was a puddle of blood and that was probably the reason why she felt so drained and dizzy. 

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara