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~ "Friendship is the purest love."~


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The next morning, I woke up before any other of the girls in my room. And I wasn't even grumpy because I knew that this was the day where I got a step closer to being able to help Remus with his transformations.

James and Sirius were already in the common room when I slipped down the stairs. "Hey, where's Pete?" I asked.

"Turn around."

I turned and saw Peter shuffling down the stairs and nearly tripping even if tough the staircase wasn't very long.

"Okay now let's go, I want food and get this Mandrake leaf in my mouth." I said while pulling James and Sirius with me out of the common room.

When we arrived at the abandoned classroom, James pressed a leaf into our hands. "What do we do now?" asked Peter.

"We have to put the leaf in our mouth, put it under your tongue so no one is able to see it." I answered.




We put the leaf in our mouth and I nearly spat it out again. "Eww, it's disgusting!"

"I have to leave this in my mouth for a whole month?!" asked Sirius.

Every time, we spoke it sounded weird because we weren't used to the leaf in our mouth.

"Well, we have to go through this and we need to say the incantation. Don't forget to say it. If you do, you would have to do it again." James looked at me bewildered.

"Amato, Animo, Animato, Animagus" we spoke at the same time.

"Still disgusting" said James and I chuckled.


By the time we arrived at the great hall we got used to the leaves, Peter just talked to himself about food, while I tried to shut Sirius and James up, who were singing some kind of muggle song.

"Talea! Are you ill? Do you have high temperature?" a concerned Lily asked while putting a hand on my forehead to check the temperature.

"Uh no, why?"

"Because you woke up early?!"

"Oh, yeahhh that. Uh we were planning the Halloween prank" I said looking at the others.


"Yep, it takes a lot of practise and stuff" I lied while Lily just looked at me, not believing the story.

James, Sirius, Peter and I grabbed a waffle and started to eat. As soon as the waffle touched my mouth, I spat it out just like the boys. It tasted disgusting and I didn't know how to survive this month if I couldn't even eat food without wanting to throw up.

"Disgusting" muttered James.


The days passed and Halloween came. The boys and I planned a big prank for that day that's why I was so excited that morning.

I told Peeves to throw water at everyone who passed the doors of the great hall and we placed dung bombs in every class room. But the most exciting part was planned for the Halloween feast.

Dumbledore finished his speech and It seemed like everyone was waiting for something to happen. It seems like the others did a great job these last years.

A few students inspected the food carefully and took a small bite. But we waited for them to feel save and then executed our plan.

I looked at James and he nodded at me. That was my cue. I took my wand out of my pocked and muttered a spell.

A few seconds later a skeleton army walked through the doors and four large packages flew in and Peter placed them on every table. But most people didn't really noticed them because of the skeleton army.

Sirius, Remus, James and I pointed our wands at each table and muttered "expulso".

The packages exploded and the colour of the Hogwarts houses was distributed over the heads of the students. The hall was filled with laughter and screams while I laughed at Marlene who had red hair and golden skin that glowed in the candle light.

"Stop laughing at me you idiot, look at yourself you've got golden hair and red skin!" she giggled.

"I look like you, when you have a sunburn" I teased. Lily burst out laughing and Marlene grinned at me.

We got detention for two weeks but it was worth it.


Today was a special day, well for a certain someone named Sirius Orion Black. It's the 3 November, his Birthday.

This morning I woke up early because I wanted to get a birthday cake from the kitchens. It was a rainy Saturday morning and the castle was still quiet and peaceful when I slipped out of the common room to go to the kitchens.

I got the cake and went back to the common room, up the stairs into the boy's dormitory and opened the door to see four sleeping figures and a very messy room, well Remus side was completely organised but I guess I expected nothing less from a guy who folds his socks three times over because they weren't perfectly folded.

Any other person would probably eat the cake in piece but I wasn't in the mood for 'normal people stuff' so I sneaked over to Sirius bed and smashed the cake in his face.

"Happy Birthday old man!"

"Talea!" screeched Sirius in a very high-pitched tone which woke up the other three sleeping figures.

"Ouh this cake is good" I looked at him weirdly while he started to lick his face.

"What are you doing here Talea?" asked Remus with a sleepy voice.

"It's my birthday!" shouted Sirius.

James sat up straight "Happy Birthday Sirius, my love!" and jumped on Sirius bed to engulf him in a hug even though he was full of cake. "Ah, young love" I said while wiping a fake tear.

"Happy Birthday Sirius!" said Remus while walking over to join the hug.

Peter mumbled a "Happy Birthday".

"So, what are we going to do on this beautiful day?" asked Sirius

"It's raining" commented James.

I smiled and said "Well, I've planned the whole day and we have to get up now."

Sirius smiled up to me, which made my heart beat a little faster but I ignored it "Get up old man or do I have to get your walking stick?" my question was disturbed by a pillow which hit my face. Lovely.

We spend the day playing games, giving Sirius his presents and playing quidditch. In the later hours we decided to sneak into Hog's Head, which is connected to the school by a tunnel, to steal some Butterbeer and fire whiskey.

We sat in the dark on the Quidditch pitch and played a round of never have I ever which revealed some funny stories and secrets.

In this moment I felt truly happy.

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now