Green eyed monster

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When I entered home that day, the house was dark. I had come in the college bus but Lallu was not in it. In my opinion it was better. It was not past her to make a scene amidst the crowd not to mention Karthick staring at me all through the ride. It bothered me that he knew now where I lived.

I deposited my bag in the sofa and switched on the lights. My mom would never leave the house dark. Where could she have gone? Wandering to the fridge, I spotted a sticky dangling halfheartedly to the side. I ripped it off and read the contents.

‘Gone out to cool your dad off. Go to sleep soon. Dinner in the fridge.’

I frowned. What could have happened? I only went to college as far as I knew. Lallu wasn’t home yet. Maybe dad had a bad day at office and mom did not want me to receive the brunt of it. He was prone to hit me for all the misfortunes in his life. Shrugging, I tore the paper in tiny pieces for good measure and threw it in the dustbin.

Taking out the cold sambar, I heated it up slightly and finished my dinner. Lugging my bag up, I locked the house and entered our bedroom. Maybe this was for the best. If Lallu comes home and I was asleep, she would get some time to grow a perspective too. By tomorrow, we might be friends again. I hoped fervently that would be the case.

After taking my books, I threw the bag aside and started up on my homework. My mind was half in it though. The history class had been too distracting for me to be sure about what I was writing. But I slogged on it anyways since I was already way behind in my classes. Somewhere along the way, I had sunk in well in the subject for when I looked up it was already eight thirty.

From the silence reigning in the house, I frowned and checked the time again. It was not like my family to stay out late. Getting up, I went to the house phone and dialed up my dad’s number. I had no choice and I was also getting a bit worried about their prolonged absence. Images of accidents were flashing my mind and their life was more important than any temper my dad might feel.

My mental images imploded when my dad answered the call on the fourth ring.

“What?” he barked.

I carried on like it did not matter. You never get used to your parent’s hate for you.

“Where are you pa?”

“Why?” he snapped.

“Well..” I twisted the phone’s wire, “It is getting late and I was getting worried.”

“You want us back home?” he queried, sounding vaguely amused.

“Yes, of course,” I couldn’t quite gather what he was amused about.

“We will be there in ten minutes.”

The line went dead and I stared at the phone. This was the first half way decent conversation I had had with my dad and I certainly did not understand head or tail of it. Was he happy or was he toying with me?

Whichever it might be, this was the first time he sounded really fine with talking to me. with an involuntary smile, I left to my room. Clearing up my bed, I entered the kitchen and deliberated. Should I finish my dinner or wait up for them? Maybe it would be a bit pushing to think dad would like to eat dinner with me.

Urged by that thought, I served myself food and quickly finished up. Washing my plate, I set it neatly in its place. The calling bell rang and I hurried to the door and opened it wide. My dad stood there with my sister peeking over his shoulder.

All my hopes were dashed when she glared at me. She wasn’t in the forgiving mood and I did not know how to make her temper go away. It was not like I had done anything. I stepped aside to let them enter, avoiding eye contact with my sister.

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