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Authors note:when the POV changed to no one, you don't have to read. Everything after that isn't important. Especially if you don't want to read smut. And then when the POV switches to Alex is when it's important again.


Alex left a few hours ago, leaving Reggie and I alone. Reggie laid on the bed. As soon as the door shut, he threw himself backward dramatically. What a dork. I love him. I smiled to myself as he just stared at the ceiling. We stayed like that for what felt like forever. He wasn't doing anything interesting. Hell, he wasn't doing anything at all. And yet, I couldn't find myself to look away from his beautiful figure. The same beautiful figure that I can now call mine. The one that's haunted my dreams since I met him. I didn't know it in kindergarten, but I had definitely fallen hard for him the second I laid eyes on him.

"What do you want to do?" Reggie asked, still staring at the ceiling.

"Oh, I can think of a thing or two," I smirked.

"What's that mean?" he gave me a confused, innocent look as he propped himself up onto his forearms.

I shrugged. "Nothing."

Just then, the phone rang and Reggie rolled over to answer it.

"Hello?" he asked into the phone.

I stared at him as he spoke to the person on the other end. I assumed it was Alex since no one else knew where we were. I examined Reggie's figure in more detail than I have before. His tight, black jeans really shaped his ass nicely. An ass that I was barely aware he had since he always had his stupid flannel tied around his waist. For once, though, he was wearing his flannel and his leather jacket was on the other chair. No idea when he took it off because I put him to bed last night with it on. And woke up with it off.

Reggie hung up the phone, snapping me out of my thoughts. He got up and grabbed his jacket, I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go," he cheerfully said.

"Where to?" I questioned.

"Alex's," he shrugged as he grabbed his bass off the wall. When did I put that there? Last night was such a blur. I looked around for my guitar and saw it next to the bed. I don't even remember having it last night.

I grabbed my guitar and slung it over my back before following Reggie out the door. It took everything in my power not to take his hand and walk him to Alex's. All I wanted to do was openly show my love for him, but stupid laws prevented me from loving my baby. Prevented Alex from asking his crush out, too. But I got my crush, now it's just a matter of sneaking around and never getting caught.

In less than five minutes we were on Alex's doorstep. I knocked firmly on the door and waited for someone to open the door. I heard a shuffling inside. The door swung open to reveal Alex's semi-feminine figure.

"Hey, Alex," I waved.

"Hey guys," he greeted, addressing us both. "Come in."

The blonde boy stepped out of the way and Reggie and I walked inside the decently large and nice house. I've been here before. Two story house with three bedrooms, four bathrooms, a kitchen with a huge island, and finished basement with two offices and a theatre. Alex was from a rich family. We took off our shoes since it was a rule they had and followed Alex into the dining room that was joined with the kitchen.

"Your house never fails to amaze me," Reggie commented as he looked around.

He's so cute when he's amazed. He is amazed by the smallest things, so I get to that face often, but it has yet to grow old.

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