2. Tea Time

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Pairing: Klaus/Jeremy-spanking, mild, hand

Chapter Text

True to his word, Klaus sent Nicole up with art materials for Jeremy. There was a second when Jeremy considered making a run for the door. Yet at that moment, Nicole started yelling at him in French or a similar language.

Jeremy noticed that she was indicating the tray of untouched food.

"I'm sorry. I'll eat it now," he said. He was actually starving.

She said, "No, petit garçon I will bring you something else."

Did she just call me a little boy? Jeremy wondered. He wished he had paid more attention in French, but he had been pretty high the year he took it.

A few minutes later, Nicole brought him a steaming tray of food. There was pizza, steak, fries, grilled cheese and a bottle of Coke. It was almost as if Klaus knew what he usually ordered at the Mystic Grill.

Jeremy ate at least half of the food while looking at the art materials Klaus sent to him. There was a beautiful Italian leather bound sketchbook, a small watercolor kit, charcoal pencils, colored pencils, and all the supplies he would need.

Before long, Jeremy had finished his food and began to sketch lightly in the journal. The room had a large marble bathroom and a closet full of clothes in his size.

As Jeremy was checking out the television, Klaus came in.

"Have you found the quarters to your satisfaction?" Klaus said looking hopeful.

"Ah, yeah. Thanks. I mean, it's really nice but I can't stay here," Jeremy blurted out.

"Oh, but you will, Son," Klaus said with conviction.

"I have a family, friends...A life, dammit. And I told you, I'm not your freaking son," Jeremy said realizing that he had to go. Elena and Jenna would be worried by now.

"I was at your window and I heard how you either tried to kill yourself or tried to turn yourself into a vampire. Now if you were so happy with your life, why would you do that? Hmm...? I'm going to save you," Klaus mused.

"Fuck that. I made a mistake. My old girlfriend died and I freaked okay. I got hooked on drugs and ...yeah, I was a goddamn mess. But it is my life. I don't want to be your prisoner," Jeremy said slamming the rest of the food tray to the floor. The leftovers spilled all over the carpet.

Klaus just smiled slowly.

"Son, I was just about to give you a tour of your new home. Yet, I see you need to calm down a bit. Perhaps a time out in the corner is in order," Klaus said, vamping over and leading Jeremy to the corner of the room.

"I'm not a kid. I'm not going to stand in the fucking corner because my kidnapper makes me. Screw you," Jeremy sputtered still enraged.

Klaus held the boys arms gently as he tried to twist out of his grasp.

"Now, you can stand here like a big boy by yourself or you can stand here with a hot bottom. What will it be?" Klaus said in a condescending and patient voice.

Jeremy's face grew red. He was not a fucking kid.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Klaus's palm struck his backside rapidly three times.

Jeremy instantly shouted, "Big boy! Okay.... I'll stand like a big boy!" Jeremy felt his face flame hotly. He had never been treated like this, even when Stefan took him to task weeks earlier for his fight with Tyler.

"That's what I thought. I know this isn't easy for you," Klaus said to Jeremy's back, as Jeremy rubbed his backside. "But I really think that this could be the best thing for both of us, okay?"

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