My life as a billionaire

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Hello my name is Mia and I am from India.I am the first daughter of my countries top 3 billionaires.Well since my parents are rich they should also be kind and sweet but no my parents treat me like a prisoner .Well this is how my life got worse .On a faithful Monday while I was getting ready for school my mum screamed my name .well i fogot to tell you my mother was pregnant .Immediately i ran downstairs to see my mum being rushed to see my mom being carried into my dads car .I was there to clam her down and make the pain less but I think the way I was talking to her,I felt her getting angry and the pain was worsen . We finally got to the hospital and my mom  was rushed into a room which said ICU .I and my dad were very scared until we heard a baby crying and we had a sign of relief on our faces but little did i know that everything just got worse .As the doctor came out of the room with a frown on his face just to tell is that mom didn't survive .Immediately he said that ,my head started spinning .It felt like the world arround me was spinning and immediately after that everything became black and i couldn't see anything again.When i woke up i saw my dad and some doctors but my mom wasn't there and then i remembered what happened earlier immediately i burst into tears remembering everything that happened .It was the worst day of my life .Later that day ,we buried my mother and i was also discharged and was allowed to go home .When i got home my dad who had always been strict to me called me to the living room and told me that i will be taking care of the baby which was a boy .If it had been a girl i wouldn't have had a problem but it was a boy how did he expect me to take care of him and also i can't breastfeed him buti had no choice cause as i was about to object my dad stood up and left and all i could do was to cry my eyes out .Then i remembered my brother who ny dad had dropped in his carrier and started shooting him to sleep .I know I had to feed him but I didn't know what to do.So the next day I got ready for school and gave Zayn to our chief made who was always nice to me .I forgot to tell that I named my brother Zayn but haven't told my dad yet but he will figure it out later now I had to get to school early so I hopped into the limo and was driven to school by my driver,typical rich kid.As I got to school I was very sad you know cause my mom died.By that time I didn't realize that I bumped into Monika my greatest rival but I didn't have the time to argue so I just told her sorry and left .This was how I was until my brother grew up and was 1 year old .I forgot to tell you that my dad worshipped my brother and he threw the worlds wildest party.He invited so many musicians around the world and also invited some of his friends who brought their children along but I didn't care .I just enjoyed the party until a boy named Zuri came to my side ,bent on one knee and proposed to me of course I said no because I was not in the mood for dates but what I didn't know was the he was the son of my father's business partner and my dad gave him the approval to ask me out so because I said no ,my dad's business had to pay a huge loss for my mistake and my dad became furious and he disowned me .Can you believe he did that I mean how could he do that to me .But the truth can never be a lie ,he disowned and left me with nothing.Then I went to the foster home for orphans even though I had a father who was still alive but he didn't care about me .The foster home wasn't that bad but just that I had to go to public schools until one day ,a parent came and told me they would adopt me so they did but I was just about to have the biggest shock of my life .You know I said my dad was one of the top three billionaires but he was actually the third billionaire but this people who adopted me are the one billionaire couple in my country so that means I could go to a private school and i could live a lofe of luxury again and live the life my father sntched away from me .This was actually the best news if my life and now i was richer than my father .Ofcourse after i finished college i got married and i am now   a mothet of two kids who are adorable and i loved them both ,as for my dad he is still a billionaire but i am still richer than him cause i am the heor of my parents and am not going to be likemy patents had been instead i would be better than them and raise my kids well.

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