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"Right, I think this is the place." Keran said as she stepped out of the door.
"It looks fancy." Lin Fan commented as she followed and locked the car.

Standing before them was a fancy restaurant. How they found themselves there was quite ordinary. It was for a reunion. Zhao Xiaotang, one of Keran's friend back from university has got it all planned out. It isn't hard to tell that girl was from a silver up-bringing.

Time had gone by so quick and before knew it, five full years have already passed. Lin Fan is already twenty-four and Keran is at twenty-seven. Yet after all those years that passed, nothing changed about them.

"Let's go inside. I'm gonna die of starvation." Keran said before she started walking towards the fancy glass doors.

"I offered you a sandwich before we came but you were stubborn." Lin Fan reminded as she jogged to keep up with her friend's strides.

"But Fanfan, I wasn't hungry when you asked!" Keran defended, making the other girl roll her eyes.
"Whatever you say, Keke. Let's just go inside before the others get impatient."

With that, she tugged on Keran's arm and the two of them walked inside the fancy building. The waiter at the door greeted them with a wide grin and a bow. To which Lin Fan grinned back, contrasting to the curt nod that Keran did. But that is just how they are.

The place is literally oozing with class and an air of rich people. It reminded Lin Fan just how out of place she is with her loud and cheery personality. It made her cling closer and even hide behind her best friend as they walked to the reception.

"The people are so serious here, Keke..." She whispered, eyes looking around in both caution and awe.
"Just ignore them. We're here for food, aren't we?" Keran answered, making Lin Fan look back at her and give an amused laugh.

"We're here for friends."
"That's second on my list."

"Reservations for Zhao Xiaotang." Keran told the receptionist, who smiled sweetly at them before checking her clipboard.
"Zhao Xiaotang... oh! This way please." The waitress started to lead them further into the restaurant.

Lin Fan and Keran couldn't help but look around in awe. The latter more discrete than the other. The whole place was tinted in a sepia hue, giving it a classy but homey look. Nothing could be heard but the sound of silver cutlery on expensive chinaware.

"Here we are. Please enjoy yourselves." The waitress bowed as they final stopped in front of a table. She gave another bow to the others before walking off.

"Keran, Lin Fan! Go on and sit! We have lots to talk about and catch up on!" A bubbly woman with supple cheeks stood up from the table and greeted the two of them. Urging them to quickly take a seat.

It was Yu Shuxin. Zhao Xiaotang's long time girlfriend or now fiancé. They have been together for nine years.

Keran only found herself being friends with the two as Shuxin was Lin Fan's dormmate back at University. She was never one to joyfully make friends. Unlike her best friend. She only does at the point that she has to. That was what happened to her friendship with Yu Yan and Naiwan. Yu Yan was her partner in class, both taking up Music. While Naiwan was her dormmate.

The six of them sat around the round table. The atmosphere around them was light compared to the classy sophistication of the other people around them. Food was already prepared on the table, set on fine dinnerware and crystal glasses filled with sparkling, pale yellow liquid.

"How come you look like you haven't aged, Lin Fan?" Shuxin asked once she is seated next to her fiancé. "You look like you're still a teenager and we're your aunties."

Toss A Coin {Lu Keran x Lin Fan}Where stories live. Discover now