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The sun was already out when Keran woke up. In fact, it is what woke her up from her slumber. Since when did her room get this bright? She religiously hung thick curtains in her room so that it will stay dark all day long. She rarely, almost never let the sunlight pass through her windows.

She opened her eyes in the slightest and a drilling pain came to her head. "What the hell?" She grabbed at it with her hand and tried to bury herself back to the covers. Just how did she end up like this?

She let a couple of minutes to pass. Trying to ease down the headache she was having. Once she was able to open her eyes without feeling like her head is about to explode, her eyes panned the room that she is currently in. It was familiar.

Grey walls, navy blue curtains and various paintings hung on the walls. It was Lin Fan's room. It became clearer and clearer as she saw the cameras that are displayed on the corner of the room. Along with photos of her and Lin Fan together. She smiled softly, momentarily forgetting that her head is hurting.

At least she is now sure that she is not just on some random stranger's house.

"Oh, you're awake!"

The door opened and Lin Fan walked in, still clad in her pajamas as she carried a tray into the room. Keran gave out a hum and slowly put herself into a sitting position. She watched as her best friend carefully balanced the tray, with brows furrowed and eyes focused on the tray. This feels nice.

"You should eat. It's already past noon. I prepared soup and some medicine. I'm not sure if you have work today or not, though." Lin Fan rambled on as she settled the tray on the bed before standing back up and looking at Keran in expectation.

Keran could not help but gape at her best friend for a couple of moments. Is it just her or is there really a bright light illuminating Lin Fan at this moment? Maybe seeing things is one of the aftermaths of a hangover. Whether it is true of not, she could not be more grateful for Lin Fan.

How come her best friend seems to always be there when she is in some sort of trouble? Maybe the heavens sent Lin Fan as her guardian. The mere thought made Keran grin wider.

"Hmm, seems like you're still out of it..." Lin Fan mumbled and shook her head. She then reached over before flicking the other on the forehead. "Keke-ah, do you have work? It's Saturday. Stop grinning like you're crazy."

Keran blinked repeatedly and shook her head to get out of the haze that she is currently stuck in. "Erm, yeah. I think I have work." She paused as one of Lin Fan's brows rose. "I mean, I'm sure I have work. Yeah, that." She grinned up at her best friend, who looks amused.

"Then you should hurry and eat so you can take the meds for your hangover." Lin Fan sighed with a shake of the head before she settled down on the bed as well, relaxing her back against the pillows.

Keran watched her as she began to eat. Lin Fan's an amazing cook. She can cook almost everything. Though most times, it is potatoes. But still, complaining is not something that she wants to do. Not after that one time that she did and her best friend did not talk to her for two whole weeks.

"What about you, eh? I clearly remember that you have work today." Keran then said. Slightly confused as to why the other is still in her pajamas when it is already late.

She made an effort to memorize Lin Fan's schedule but could not be bothered to memorize her own. Clownery at its finest.

"Nope. The photoshoot got cancelled. The company said that most of the models had some problems with scheduling." Lin Fan answered before she opened her eyes and gave a sweet smile. "Anyway, you should hurry and eat so you can head to work."

Toss A Coin {Lu Keran x Lin Fan}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant