3. It was love at first sight

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Because this event was being hosted by the royal family, every guest and attendee at the event had to go through a thorough security check. 

The gala was being held at one of the residences of the royal family. As Haya completed her security check which was done in a tent at the entrance of the estate, she exited the tent and was wowed by a huge castle-like building made of greystone. It truly was a magnificent sight and this showed on Haya's face as her eyes lit up at the sight of the building. She really did love architecture! 

"Wooowww" Haya whispered to herself. 

Haya did not listen to the security when they explained to her where to go once she exits the security tent so now she is wandering around the inside of the building looking for the hall. 

"Oh gosh, why is there no one around here to ask for directions," Haya says to herself as she holds her ballgown dress in her hands to make it easier to run from here to there looking for the right location. Not looking in front of her, Haya runs into some guy. 

"Oh! my.. I'm.." Haya stutters and struggles to say any more as she looks this guy directly into his eyes. 

This guy has both his hands on Haya's arms, holding onto her as if she was about to be knocked over from their 'run-in'. 

"I'm .. so.. sorry.." He struggles to say, as he stares into Haya's eyes, mesmerised. 

After a long moment of the two of them staring into each other's brown eyes, they both let go of each other muttering "I'm sorry" at the same time. 

"No, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm kinda lost..." Haya says. 

"No worries, are you here for the Design Gala? Because that's just in here" the guy says as he gestures towards 2 huge doors in front of them. 

"Oh! Thanks!" Haya says

The guy gestures towards the door as if to tell Haya she may enter first. Haya listens and enters the huge ballroom where the event is being hosted. It is full of round tables and people mingling. There's a stage with some people on it, shuffling around to get things ready. Someone approaches Haya to ask her name and escort her to her table. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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