2. Haya's family

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After spending a few days in Arizona, Haya returns to the Hamptons. She is tired from late nights spent at the factory fixing machines. As her car pulls into the driveway, she notices all the cars. Everyone is here for Sunday lunch. Sunday lunch has basically turned into a family day where all their family and friends come to spend the day together. The Hamptons estate is the perfect place for a fun-filled family day or a Sunday Funday as the little kids like to call it. Over the years, Sunday lunch has gradually turned into a whole weekend thing. Everyone now comes over on Friday nights for a barbeque and then Saturdays are spent doing something fun while Sunday is all about relaxing, from brunch to lunch to tea and dinner. 

The dining room which is just to the left of the great room is bustling with everyone talking, laughing and passing the food. A long table is laid with a beautiful china dinner set and delicious food. Leg roast, veggies, bread, salads and more bread! Haya finds a place at the table which she has to wiggle her way into. Everybody seems interested to hear about what's been happening in Haya's life but she doesn't feel like speaking much today. 

As everyone is engaged in some kind of conversation, Haya silently eats her garlic bread and listens to everyone. 

"So, Haya.. How was Arizona?" her dad asks. 

"Arizona is Arizona, you know.. Don't really get to enjoy Arizona much because I'm always fixing some shit at the factory but yeah it's nice out there. Quiet... Dry, I love it." Haya says. 

"So what's your plans for this week?" Haya's sister-in-law asks. 

"Chill for a bit, then I gotta be in Brunei on Saturday for a gala." 

"Ohhh Brunei... sounds interesting. What's it for?" says Haya's sister-in-law. 

"It's the World Design Innovation annual gala, hosted by the royal family of Brunei this year." Haya says in between bites of her garlic bread. "I was asked to speak on behalf of Wild Rose design and present some of the projects I've done in Africa and Asia." Haya explains further. "It's just part of an initiative to support the design and development in Brunei." 

"I've never been to Brunei and I don't really feel like going. I'm thinking of maybe sending Lucenzo to represent me." 

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