Entry one

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We're almost finished packing all the boxes into the moving truck. It'll be nice to live in a town for once. We've always lived in the big, loud, busy city. It'll be nice to be somewhere smaller and quieter, even if the location is a bit creepy. It's a small, remote town placed directly in the middle of the desert. In the middle of  nowhere... Apparently it used to be a historic western town back in the day. A few of the buildings have been remodeled into modernized homes, but most of the buildings are still there in their original forms. Naturally there are many old saloons, hotels, and history museums. I've heard rumors that the town is haunted by the people who lived there long ago. I'm not afraid of ghosts. But the location itself is a bit... strange I guess you could say? You'd expect most desert areas to be hot and blindingly sunny, but there it's always strangely cold and overcast. The clouds just sit there, covering the sun and entire sky all day, never any rain at all. The town is fenced off with chicken wire fences covered in green tarps. Outside of it, a vast plane of sand as far as the eye can see. Oh. It looks like all the boxes are packed up into the van, I'll try to write more later.  -Sunday

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