a big regret

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Techno's POV
I left because I don't wanna be used by someone else again. The voices were telling me to kill him and telling that I am just a blade. I open the door and their stood Phil “where is dream, techno? I thought you said you were breaking him or of prison" phil said “I left him,phil,in the snow" I said “what-what why!?" Phil said worriedly “he just thought of me as a blade" I shrugged “no he didn't, he told me that you were a great friend and that he would protect you if he needed to!" Phil said. I stood there frozen in shock.

Voice#2- Wow he thought of you as a great friend and you left him in the snow to freeze to death

Voice#6- how sad


“lets go find him Phil" I said “mh" he picked some blankets since he will probably need it.

Dream's POV
He- he just left me. Wow, I thought of him as a friend and I got left in a middle of snow to freeze to death. Guess I really can't trust anyone. I thought we built some connection together in the vault. I was wrong. It's not the time to be sad. Now what do... 'Is that a cave?' I looked at the hole in the mountain. It indeed is. I walked in the cave. Broke some tress to get wood even tho it hurts really bad which was just enough to craft a chest, I placed the book that I just wrote. I writted the truth about why I did all the bad things, the truth is that I just wanted them to get along by making them turn against me and get along even if I am gonna be alone. I writted that I am not coming back and to go to the coordinates written at the second page of the book. XD summoned in front of me and said “you are out of prison,Dream,do you want to go to Nightmare now?" He asked hoping I would say yes because Nightmare and him wanted to get me out of this hell hole or atleast that's what they call this. I gladly accepted but asked him vanish the egg and turn the effected people back to normal. And then we left.

Techno's POV
Me and Phil were at the coordinates were I left Dream but he isn't there. I saw a cave that had a chest in it and I immediately told Phil. We walked in the cave and Phil opened the chest “what's in there?" I asked “its a book" “read it then" Phil started reading it and for some reason he looked really sad “why are you sad Phil?" “he left" Phil said really sadly “W-what" it hurts it felt like a huge piece of my soul just broke “here" he said. I took the book in my hand and started reading the page.

Voice#8- this is karma for leaving him


Voice#5- we deserve this for leaving him in the snow

Voice#4- a misunderstood villain

Voice#7- wow just wow

Voice#9- let's go to the coordinates

Voice#1- Yes

“what are the voices telling you?" Phil said “they are saying that he was just misunderstood villain and that we should go to the coordinates" I said. I was sad I mean I left a true friend who didn't see me as a blade in the snow freezing. “lets go then" phil snapped me out of my thoughts “ok" “these coordinates are so far away from here" Phil said “lets just go already" I said.

the misunderstood villainजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें