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Bomi-So there are really two flowers now?

Chanyeol nodded in response

Chorong-So what does it means? Is it a good sign? Or a bad sign?
Suho-It supposed to be a good sign. Since there are two flowers, it means we can restore one in Ingrith without harming this place. But on the side note..

Suho and Chanyeol exchanged gazes

Bomi-But what?
Chanyeol-On the side note we might not be able to come to earth again


Kai managed to put Lily to sleep. He headed out looking for Naeun who was at the balcony by herself. She was staring absent-mindedly out of the window

Naeun-Oh, Kai
Kai-What were you thinking about
Naeun-Nothing. I'm just wondering.. If I never stole that flower, nobody would have to suffer this much
Kai-Naeun, stop blaming yourself

Naeun-I just want to be with you, and Lily. Like a real family
Kai-Me too. But I want you to know Naeun. Distance can never define my love for you and Lily. We might not be able to see each other again, but please know I will always love you

Naeun nodded her head, already sobbing



Sehun approached Hayoung slowly

Hayoung-I want to be alone

She resisted Sehun's presence

Sehun-I supposed you heard about it already. Is that why you are sad?

Hayoung-I don't understand. We just need to return the flower to Ingrith, and everything is restored. What do you mean you can't come back here?

Sehun-Hayoung, I still can come back here
Sehun-I... I don't know

Hayoung cried, feeling devastated. Sehun wrapped his arms around Hayoung's neck, pulling her into a tight hug

Hayoung-Why is it so hard for us to be together, Sehun? It's like the whole universe is against us. Just why?

She sobbed harder. Sehun buried his face in the crook of her neck

Hayoung-Let me go

Hayoung pushed Sehun away


She stormed into her room and locked the door. Sehun couldn't do anything about it


Eunji had been looking for Baekhyun around the house. And she finally found him. He was busy packing all his stuffs into a back pack

Baekhyun-Oh, Eunji. I thought you are asleep
Eunji-Ah, not yet

She brushed it off awkwardly

Eunji-Seems like you guys are leaving very soon
Baekhyun-Yeah, it's tomorrow
Eunji-Tom.. Tomorrow?
Baekhyun-Yup. We have to restore the flower as soon as possible, don't you think so?
Eunji-Yeah, yeah of course. You're right. The sooner the better

Eunji squeezed the paper in her hand. She had been meaning to give it to Baekhyun all along but she didn't know when was the best time to do so

Baekhyun-Are we going to talk? Because I feel a bit tired so I..,
Eunji-Oh, yes! Sorry for interrupting. Go ahead and rest
Baekhyun-Thanks. Good night Eunji
Eunji-Good night.., Baekhyun

Eunji turned around and walked away. She heaved a deep sigh

Eunji-You are an idiot

She hit her head lightly. Eunji decided to drop the crumpled paper to the ground without thinking much. Before tomorrow, it would be washed away by wind or rain. So she didn't think much about it and finally walked into the house


Knock! Knock!


Bomi opened up into Hayoung's room slowly. She was still wrapping in her duvet

Bomi-Hey, the guys are leaving. Are you sure you don't want to see them?

Hayoung simply shook her head

Bomi-Fine. I hope you know what are you doing

Bomi closed back the door. As soon as the creaking sound faded, Hayoung's tears fell to her cheeks


Namjoo-Where is Hayoung? She's not coming down?

Bomi shook her head. Chorong gasped, shocked

Baekhyun-Everything is ready?
Kyungsoo-Yup, I have double checked everything general
Chanyeol-We are ready to go your majesty

Sehun nodded, approving

Lily-Papa, it it true that I cannot see you and uncles again?

Kai smiled faintly. He crouched down to the same level as Lily, pinching her nose

Kai-We will definitely meet again. I'm not sure when, but definitely. Okay?
Lily-I will wait

Kai nodded. He kissed Lily on the forehead one last time

Chorong-Have a safe way home
Suho-We will

Chorong hugged Suho tightly

Sehun looked up to Hayoung's window, hoping that she would at least send him off from there. But it was shut close, even the blinds

Baekhyun-Prince Sehun, we have to go now
Sehun-Oh, yes. Let's go

They all walked towards the gate point. Suho was ready to open the Bifrost and bring them home

Lily-Bye papa, I will see you again

Colourful light flashed before them. And in a blink, they all disappeared from everyone's sight



New month, new update! Stay tuned for the last chapter of One Dark Crown (finally). Don't forget to vote, comment and share! Love you all 😘🙆

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