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It was thanksgiving, a special celebration for everyone in the village. Everyone woke up early today to help preparing the feast

Chorong-We are going to be so busy today so everyone has to help. Including the guys

Kyungsoo groaned

Sehun-It's gonna be fun
Chanyeol-Have you been at a thanksgiving before sire?
Sehun-No. But I was here for Halloween and it was fun

Hayoung clapped her hands, grabbing everyone's attention

Hayoung-I will sort you into team so please work well together. Bomi and Chanyeol, you guys are going to distribute cookies from door to door
Bomi-On it

Chanyeol and Bomi fist-bumped. They had been bestie thanks to the practice session they had

Hayoung-Baekhyun, can you pick strawberries from backyard?
Baekhyun-Of course

Kyungsoo-Me! Me! What about me?
Hayoung-Kyungsoo will help Namjoo with pumpkin pie

Kyungsoo-Wait, Namjoo again?
Namjoo-Ya, ya! What's wrong with it?
Kyungsoo-Nothing, I just hope to hang out with others too

Hayoung-Eunji, you will help Naeun in the kitchen
Eunji-On it

Sehun-What about me and Suho?
Hayoung-Oh, I prepared something awesome for you two. Right Chorong?
Chorong-Of course

Sehun and Suho exchanged gazes. They both didn't have good feelings about it


Bomi-Chanyeol, help me packing these cookies

Chanyeol squeezed beside Bomi. The smell of freshly baked cookies caught his sense

Chanyeol-What are we going to do with these?
Bomi-We will give them to kids, elderies, farmers, basically everyone we see
Chanyeol-Why don't we just... I don't know, eat them ourselves?
Bomi-It's thanksgiving. We share things with all people
Chanyeol-What do we get in return?
Bomi-Depends on what others want to give us. But the main purpose of thanksgiving is to give, not gain

Chanyeol nodded, understood

Bomi-Let's go
Chanyeol-I will carry those bags

Chanyeol and Bomi finally left to distribute the cookies to the villagers

Bomi-Seojin ahjumma!
Seojin-Oh, Bomi!
Bomi-Happy thanksgiving

Bomi handed a cute package of cookie to Seojin ahjumma

Seojin-Thank you. May your blessings be multiplied this year and throughout all your life
Bomi-Thank you ahjumma. See you

Bomi and Chanyeol gave cookies to everyone who crossed ways with them. They all wished the same thing for Bomi; May your blessings be multiplied this year and throughout all your life

Chanyeol-It's a nice thing to wish someone
Bomi-I know right? That's why I love every single celebration in this village. Everyone would wish good things for you
Chanyeol-Everyone in this village are kind towards each other. How I wished people in Ingrith too
Bomi-I'm sorry about what happened there

Chanyeol smiled faintly

Chanyeol-Let's get out job done
Bomi-Hmm, let's go


Baekhyun-This one still has green patch. I will come back and pick you later

Baekhyun moved to the next tree and plucked more red strawberries


Baekhyun stopped and turned around when he heard the sound of someone walking behind him


Baekhyun screamed on top of his lungs

Baekhyun-Eunji?! Oh my God, you startled me
Eunji-I'm sorry

Eunji hid her laugh

Baekhyun-What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to help Naeun?
Eunji-Hmm, but we are done
Baekhyun-Oh, I'm almost done too

Eunji-Actually I come to give you this
Baekhyun-What is it?

Baekhyun took a cute packaging from Eunji. He opened the box

Baekhyun-Wow, what is this?
Eunji-It's homemade chocolate
Eunji-It's something you can eat
Baekhyun-Oh, thank goodness you told me before I leave it on the cabinet as souvenir

Eunji laughed

Eunji-You wanna taste?
Baekhyun-Oh, sure

Baekhyun took one chocolate; bear shaped and shoved it into his mouth

Baekhyun-Hmm, it's sweet
Eunji-Supposed to
Baekhyun-Thank you
Eunji-You are welcome. This is my apology
Baekhyun-Oh, you really don't have to do that Eunji
Eunji-No, I feel so bad to hurt you the other day
Baekhyun-Your apology is accepted
Eunji-Good thing

Baekhyun-Happy thanksgiving
Eunji-Yeah, happy thanksgiving to you too



Short update! I tried making some fluffy internations between apink and exo. Stay tuned for part 2 😘

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