The waitress put the bill on the table.

"Wait, here", said Kendrick as he handed the waitress his card and the bill.

The waitress took the card and walked away.

"If you wanna divorce me, just say that. I don't have the time for—"

"Who said anything about a divorce? I don't want you to leave me. I'm scared that you'll have to leave me", she said.

"I told you a thousand times I won't", he said.

Diamond looked down.


Kendrick unlocked the door and let everybody in the house. As soon as Diamond walked in, she was grabbed by someone and they brought her close to them.

Diamond gasps.

Kendrick came into the house and saw a some stranger.

"Girls go upstairs", said Kendrick as he kept Zara on the other side of the opened down.

The guy had a gun to Diamond's hand. As she could do was think about the time she got shot during the staged robbery when she was with Brain.

"Put the gun down, at least not at her or the kids", said Kendrick. "You don't need to hurt them"

The guy aimed the gun at Kendrick instead.

"Now, what is it that you want?", asked Kendrick. "You broke into the apartment for a reason"

"I ain't break in. The door was unlocked", he said.

Kendrick looked at Diamond. Diamond didn't look at him. She knew she was the last person out of the apartment. As he looked at her he saw Diamond reaching inside of her purse.

"Just give me your money. All of it", he said.

Kendrick pulled out his wallet.

"Let me at least get my licenses first", said Kendrick.

"Hurry up", said the guy.

Kendrick held his wallet out as Diamond tased the guy.

The guy went to the ground and Kendrick grabbed the gun.

"You okay?", he asked Diamond.

Diamond nods.

Kendrick aimed the gun at the guy.

"Now get out of my apartment", said Kendrick.

The guy was trying to get himself together.

"Shoot me", said the guy. "Just go ahead and do it. I know you're willing to"

Kendrick and Diamond made a face.

"Do it! If you're going to aim, shot !", said the guy.

Kendrick lower the gun to his side.

"Get Zara and take her upstairs", said Kendrick.

"Kendrick don't shoot him", said Diamond.

"Take Zara upstairs", Kendrick repeated.

Diamond sighed and grabbed Zara's car seat and went upstairs.

Kendrick bent down to the guy.

"What did you mean by that", said Kendrick.

"I know you tired to kill Brian", he said.

Kendrick made a face because he was wondering why he said the word "tired".

"I'm not understanding", said Kendrick.

"Brian is alive. That guy that was working for you chose freedom and your money versus to get caught in your mess", said the guy. "I would tell you his plan but I just failed anyway so he'll probably come up with something else.Now give me my damn gun so I can go"

"How do I know you won't shoot anybody in here?", asked Kendrick.

"I never was going to", said the guy.

"...I don't know what Brian told you, but I didn't try to kill him", said Kendrick.

Kendrick was lying of course but that was because he didn't know if this guy was trying to get a confession out him and recording it or something.

"I didn't even see Brian while he was in town. I was in a bit of a situation", said Kendrick. "Nobody knows what happened to him. Some officers came over saying that he was missing. Now me and him had our differences but I do hope that he's okay."

The guy sat up and looked at Kendrick for a moment.

"Stop lying, I already know what happened. He told me", he said.

"He would say anything about me to get his ex wife back but it's usually never true.", Kendrick said. "That, what you're saying right now, isn't true."

The guy stood up and so did Kendrick.

"You think you're smart huh?", he asked.

"Well I'm not stupid", Kendrick said sarcastically.

The guy shook his head and snatch his gun out of Kendrick's hand. Kendrick was about to grab for the gun back until the guy said something.

"There's no bullets", the guy said as he showed Kendrick there were no bullets in the gun. "Brian made sure of that"

"Get out", said Kendrick.

The guy shook his head and walked out of the apartment.

Kendrick locked the door and laid his head on the door for a moment. If Brian is really alive then Kendrick knew that shit was about to get real.

"Damn it, Shawn", mumbled Kendrick.


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