Letters and Flowers

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Bode had just returned home from school when he was overcome with a giddy feeling. The rush of happiness was enough to put a beaming smile on his face. Today it was Wednesday, the day that a letter from Lennon would arrive in the mail.

Slipping off his boots, Bode ran to his mother, who had just gotten of the phone with Ellie concerning Bode's upcoming play date with Rufus.

"Bode, I hate to tell you, but Rufus can't come over today, he's out sick," Nina said with a solemn tone. She knew how much he was looking forward to Rufus coming to their house.

"That's fine, we'll talk tomorrow, what I really need is the mail key!" Bode exclaimed while shuffling his feet. All Bode wanted was to hear from his sister.

"Alright, but don't go running down there. If you fall, you're going to get that new shirt all dirty." Nina spoke while shaking her head and smiling. She hands Bode the worn-out key knowing he's not going to listen to her instruction.

"It's going to get dirty eventually!" Bode hollared while racing down the hall. Yes, he was a little upset Rufus couldn't come over, but quickly got over it thinking about the letter Lennon wrote his family.

Lennon had been all over the country, but she dreamed of getting out of it one day. Lennon enjoyed trying new things and learning about the world. She had visited the mid-west, where she had tasted the best knoephla, and attempted (and failed) to surf in California. Although she loved to be a nomad, she knew that it couldn't last forever.

Once Bode arrived at the mailbox, he pulled out the keys in excitement. Shoving the key In the slot, he turned it, and once the box opened, it revealed a thick envelope. That was Lennon's specialty-handmade and handwritten letters. She believed you could tell a lot about people by the way they send mail. To her, handwritten was the best.

Walking back to the house, Bode began unwrapping the letter. The first thing he pulled out was a picture of the girl in front of a huge rock. She was at Garden of the Gods in Colorado. Her 5'2 petite figure looked tiny next to the new friends she had met. Bode just knew that they had been captivated by her sharp features. Lennon had fiery red hair, from her mother, but a kind face like her father. The eyes no one knew where she got from, you could say they were almost like uncle Duncan's, but the one was blue and the other a light hazel.

Bode had always aspired to be like his sister, who was the most caring person he knew. She had planned on joining the peace corps when she graduated high school, but Nina begged her wait a bit before leaving the nest.

Next, he pulled freshly pressed Lavender, Bode's favorite. Lastly, he pulled out the letter, which held Lennon's beautiful calligraphy. He read it to himself, knowing that Kinsey may have to explain some words to him.

Dear Mom, Tyler, Kinsey, and Bode,
It has been a wonderful few months traveling, and I have learned many new things from my travels, one of which is that I'm pretty good at cooking, must have gotten it from dad. I am currently staying with a nice family at a camp site, but I have wonderful news for you all. After a long train of thought, I have decided it is finally the right time for us to reunite. By the time you get this letter, I should be two days from you. I cannot wait to see your beautiful faces (except you Tyler, yours is ugly) and finally be at home with you all.

I am also very interested in Matheson and it's past, you know how much of a history buff I am. You will have to tell me all about the high school too, so I know what to expect, and Kinsey, if Eden is still on your case, hopefully another Locke in company will set her straight. You will have to show me everything, including the Savini Squad and your new "friend" Scott, although I KNOW there is more to the story than you're telling me, remember, I know when you're lying.

Tyler, as much as I don't say it, I really am looking forward to seeing you. I haven't heard much from you , so that must change when I arrive.

Finally Bode, you will have to take me to the ice cream shop, though I hardly doubt it will beat the huckleberry I had from Minnesota, I will never get over that experience! I also must meet Rufus, any friend of yours is a friend of mine. I can't wait to play whack-a-Bode with you, we just can't tell mom, you know how she gets.

Love and Lavender, Lennon
P.S. wait till you see the presents I got you, and Kinsey, if I found out you took my gray flannel, you're dead

Bode dropped the parchment in anticipation. Was he dreaming? His sister was coming home, and with gifts! He tucked the letter under his arm and walked the rest of the way to the house. He suddenly stopped again.

How do they keep the secret of the keys from their sister, and better yet, should they keep it? It may be safer for her to know, but if she does, she may panic and run again, and Bode couldn't stand the thought of his sister away from him again.

So, Bode decided right there and then that if they were going to tell Lennon about the keys, they would do it slowly, because at times like these, the Lockes needed their sister, and she needed them. Bode was not about to let Lennon get scared again and run off, he needed a real plan.

Bode hurried to Nina to tell her about the joyous news. They would now be a family again, and Bode was intent of keeping it that way. When inside, Nina broke down crying knowing her baby would be coming home. She started going through all the things she must have ready for her return. Bode smiled as he watched Tyler's car pull in the driveway, where he and Kinsey stepped out. He couldn't wait to tell his siblings of the surprise letter, and thought about how their life was going to change, again.

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