Chapter V: Favorite song

Start from the beginning

Blair was standing there fidgeting with her fingers and dragging her eyes across the room. She looked like a lost puppy. Her dress was very pretty though. Pretty? Oh my god, I need to get myself together.

"Everyone is talking about her on campus. Apparently, she was a whore in high school and slept around. She was even caught with a teacher-" Dean cut her off.

"That is exactly what you do now," Dean raised a brow.

"But-" I cut her off this time.

"Shut the fuck up. It's none of your fucking business of what she did or didn't do in school."

I got up to walk over to her. She was still standing by the door. When I got to her she was turning around.

"Hey, hey. Where are you going?" I took her hand in mine.

"I changed my mind," she turned around. She seemed on edge.

"Come on," I gestured towards the kitchen, "We'll get one drink and if you still want to go home we'll go together."

She thought it over and hesitantly nodded.

"Don't worry, Levi and West are in the kitchen," I gave her a reassuring smile.

"I've never seen you actually smile, are you okay?" her eyes were widened.

"I'm not an asshole all the time, you know," I cocked my head to the side.

"Yeah, just most of the time," she let out a genuine laugh. I chuckled.

"You've never been to one of these?" I asked her while leading her to the kitchen. I still held her hand.

"I've never been invited to these ones, so no," she trailed behind me. Also gripping my hand.

None of us were going to let go anytime soon. And to be honest I didn't want her to.

We walked into the kitchen and JJ and West immediately started a conversation with her. She was completely different than five minutes ago and it made my heart warm.

It was definitely the alcohol talking.

I stood in silence by them and observed her. The way her body moved when she talked about things she likes or the way her hair bounced when she was giving a concert to Levi.

She talked about her favorite things to do on her free days. It was watching Home Alone and eating pancakes. It was the only breakfast food she loves beyond words, whatever that meant.

Blair talked about the only frat party she'd ever been to. And I realized that she could be talking about absolutely anything and I would like to listen to her.

Yes, definitely drunk.

She said Justin Timberlake is one of her favorite artists. Which made me roll my eyes. And when "Cry me a river" started playing I was amazed by the girl in front of me.

"Theo, come dance with me," she beamed.

No one ever calls me Theo because I hate it but when it came out of her mouth I didn't.

"I don't dance," I shook my head. Levi and West had disappeared.

"Please," she was already pulling me to the place where people were dancing.

"Ivy," I warned.

She started dancing in front of me. She looked very good in that dress.

"Come on, move Grumpy," she pushed my shoulder.

"No, Skates," I wasn't going to fucking dance.

"Skates?" her lips quirked upward.

"Yeah. A new nickname, so what?"

"Nothing," she looked down a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Okay, truth is I don't know how to dance," I finally admitted. She lightly laughed.

"I'll show you if you let me," she looked up at me. I nodded my head.

She took my hand and placed them on her hips. And slowly started swaying to the rhythm. It was satisfying, now I understood why people liked it.

She spun under my arm and then spun inward so her back was facing me. Now she placed my hands in front of her hips.

Both of us were rhythmic to her favorite song. But I was watching her.

Blair's eyes were shut and she was singing along. She seemed in ecstasy. I could watch her for hours.

Her body against mine was the best feeling I've ever had. It felt like we were molded for each other. Her hand dragged up to the back of my neck and played with my hair.

And she wasn't hot. Not anymore. She was fucking beautiful. I had been too much of an asshole to see it.

The way her hair fell over her bare shoulders, the way her lips were perfect and looked soft.

I didn't know what I was feeling. I was attracted to a lot of girls but not like this. It was probably the mix of alcohol and her that made me feel like this.

The song was finishing and she turned back around to me.

"I've always wanted to dance with someone to my favorite song, so thank you," she kissed my cheek and hugged me.

I was too stunned to speak, so when she turned around to leave was the only moment I opened my mouth.

"No, thank you, Skates," I called out to her. She looked over her shoulder and smiled.

Fuck, she's going to be the death of me.

A/N: I'm so sorry I'm late today. My family and some friends were on a trip through a forest for half of the day so I couldn't get to this quicker. And my head hurts so bad I was seeing everything in double. But this chapter has been one of my favs so far so I hope you enjoyed it. Next week I'm flying to Italy for a project so there won't be a chapter. I might try to post one Sunday but I'm not promising anything. I hope you had a great day, love, Helena.

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