At last

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I finished yet another meeting and decided to skip the little party organized after. Instead I went to my hotel suite and filled the bathtub with hot water and soap. Once I was settled inside I decided to call Trixie. I didn't have time to call her the past few days and she didn't reach out so she was probably fine. She didn't pick up.

Me : Hey Trix I hope everything's going great at home, I've been really overwhelmed with all the reunions I'm supposed to attend lately
You can call me back tonight I've got nothing planned :)

I sent a picture of me with bubbles covering my chest, hoping to get one of her pretty face in return. Hours went by and I still didn't have any response. It was not like her. I texted Kim, a girl from the club whom I knew Trixie was good friends with.

Me : Hi Kim! Have you been in touch with Trixie today? She's not responding to my texts or calls.
Kim : hi! no I only saw her Saturday night. do you want me to call her?
Me : Please. And if she doesn't answer go to my house I'm worried

I felt so fucking stupid. I last saw Trixie Friday night and didn't check up on her until today, which was Wednesday. 5 days. What if she left? I would be destroyed. I hope she's alright. I wish I was home to care for her each day but it can't be like that.

Kim : she's fine she's been sleeping
Me : Ok thank you. Can you tell her to call me please?

Trixie never sleeps this early. She sleeps between 4-5 am to noon or so. Something was up. I nervously waited for 15 minutes before Kim called me.

"I'm sorry but she says she doesn't want to talk to you." Kim said.
"What? Why? I just want to hear that she's okay. Tell her to talk to me. Whatever's wrong I'll make it right."

Trixie was mad at me and I had no clue why. I hated to have to solve this over the phone but I couldn't wait until Friday. I couldn't stand the idea of her being mad at me for that long.
I heard Kim talk with Trixie in the distance. Finally I heard her voice. She sounded worn and sad, like she had been crying.

"Hey Trixie what's going on? You can tell me anything please don't keep what's bothering you for yourself"
"I don't know Katya. We should talk when you get home"
"But I can't sleep knowing you're feeling down. What would make you happy right now?"
I heard sniffling and then it was Kim's voice again.

"I think it's best you two deal with this in person. I'll stay with her tonight and for the rest of the week if needed"
"Okay thank you so much Kim. You two don't bother to go to the club until next week I'll pay your lost tips back. Update me on how she's doing"
"Thanks and I will. Bye get some sleep"
"I'll try"


I had nightmares and my night was chaotic. Tomorrow I had 2 reunions and a gathering in the evening that I could not miss. It was going to be a long day.

I did the bare minimum to keep my brain from going overdrive. When it was time to be sociable at the party I drank a few glasses to ease my mind. I talked with someone's assistant for a long time, well it was more her who talked to me. She was smaller than me, lean with dark curly hair. She had green eyes that followed my every move and drifted to my lips more times than I could count. She proposed to go back to her hotel room and I just nodded and followed. We had messy sex, she seemed frustrated the way she was biting and sucking my skin like a starved animal. After we both finished I had sobered up and left while she was taking a shower. My flight was tomorrow at noon and I wanted to get some sleep before that.


I was both stressed to see Trixie and relieved. I would finally get an explanation, but I was not sure that I was going to be pleased with it. Kim left before I arrived so it was just the two of us.

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