Chapter 7

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Draco's POV
Dear mum,
I've talked to Professor Dumbledore and he said you may stay here. I'm glad you're escaping, you deserve to be happy. I want you to apparate here as soon as you can, try and imagine Dumbledore's headquarters. When you get here Dumbledore will call Lily Potter and I out to meet you. Why Lily Potter you ask? Well i love her. Yes mum i've finally found someone i love other than you. She is the most beautiful woman i've ever seen. (Besides you of course.) She has beautiful red locks and glowing green eyes that makes you enchanted to look into them for hours, you lose track of time when you look into her eyes. And the best part about her is that she feels the same thing for me. I want to take it slow, to savor her. I love you, and I'll see you soon.
Love, Draco

When i finished the letter in strap it to my owl Adkin and let him take the sky. I slip on a shirt and head down to dinner. I see my usual spot next to Blaise and Parkinson.

"So how are you and Potter number 2?" Blaize asks smirking. I punch him in the arm.

"Good." I smile thinking of her. I look across the way to see her smiling and talking with Hermione, Ginny, and Harry. She makes a gross look on her face when Harry snogs Ginny, I can hear her beautiful laugh all the way from the Slytherin table. That beautiful laugh she makes. It's so real and I love it. I smile at her, then she looks at me and her cheeks turn a crimson color. I smirk and she turns away, then Hermione and Ginny look my way. I cough and blush trying not to smile like an idiot.

"Hullo! Earth to Draco!"

"Huh? What?" I ask looking at them instead of Lily. "What, did you say something?"

"Yeah, I asked if you finished Potions homework." Blaize says.

"Oh yeah.. Do you know when we're doing the love potion? I want to know what Lily smells." I say.

"Yeah that'd be tomorrow. If you were in class and not shagging Potter number 2 then you'd know." Pansy sneered.

"Jealous Parkinson?" I growl.

"No need to get all defensive Malfoy. Just stating a fact." She stuck up voice.

"I'm not shagging her you bitch. We're taking it slow." I say growling.

"Oh so she's bad in bed?" Parkinson laughs.

"I don't know! Now stop talking shit about her." I yell. I feel my cheeks getting redder and redder by the minute.

"Easy lover boy. I was just trying to get you riled up." She says sneering.

"Bitch." I under my breath and got up. I glance over at Lily and she's watching me with concerning eyes.

"Easy Malfoy, don't be like this." Blaize says catching up with me.

"Like what?! Someone that actually cares?" I yell at him shoving him back.

"No Draco like a douche! Turning your back on your friends!" He shoves back.
"If you were really my friend you'd be happy for me!" I say with my fists clenched.

"If you were really my friend you wouldn't just leave because you're shagging a girl!" He screams back at me.

Then I punch him.

I've had enough of him. He hits the ground with a thud. I feel my knuckles sting. He quickly gets up and punches me in the face. When I'm down he kicks my stomach twice. Then i hear a frantic Lily screaming at Blaize to stop. I see tears streaming down her face, and that just makes me hurt more. Blaize immediately stops what he's doing and walks away with pansy on his side. Harry, Ron and the girls are all by her side trying to comfort her. Lily crumbles by my side. She put a hand on my side.

"It... Hurts..." I manage to croak.

"Oh god. Episkey." Her voice cracks.
"Is that better?" She asks sniffling.

"Harry! Please help him!" She screams. I hear footsteps departing with Lily whimpering.

"Please... don'" I gasp. I put my hand by her cheek cupping it.

"I can't help it." She says sniffling and leaning her face in my hand, squeezing my hand.

Then i hear more footsteps and I see Madam Pomfrey coming to my aid, as well as Hagrid. He picks me up and brings me to the infirmary. I hear feet bustling about. Lily is by my side clinging to my hand, not that i'm complaining.

"I..know." I say trying to smile. Then Madam Pomfrey comes over with some silver liquid in a glass cup. She gives it to me.

"C'mon hun, drink up." Madam Pomfrey says. I drink a sip and as soon as i did i regret it. I spit the burning liquid out of my mouth making Lily gasp.

"Draco are you ok?" She asks nervous, but not scared.

"It stings." I groan.

"Well what'd you expect? Pumpkin juice?" She asks, (A/N: see what i did there? haha)

"No but something that doesn't burn when it touches skin." He says annoyed.

"See it's already taken effect." Madam Pomfrey smirks. "You're back to your annoying self." She replies. Lily is laughing her ass off to the point where tears are rolling down her cheeks.
"Yeah yeah so funny." I mumble rolling my eyes.

"Heehee." Lily giggles.

"So what's wrong with me?" I ask looking to her. She sits back up wiping the stray tears.

"Blaize beat you up. He left you with a black eye and a broken rib. The potion Madam Pomfrey gave you was to heal the rib. Can you breath ok?" She asks rubbing my chest.

"Much better than before." I say smiling at her.

She smiles back at me.

"Good." She says.

"Alright I want to keep you here and force you to drink some more of the healing potion. You can go back to your quarters tomorrow and classes the next day. Lily make sure you take care of him." Madam Pomfrey says smiling at Lily and patting her cheek. She smiles back at the woman and then at me.

"Look's like you'll be stuck with me for a few days." She smiles. I smile back at her.

"Can't wait." I say chuckling.

I moved over a tad and patted the mattress next to me motioning for her to come and lay with me. She obeys happily and cuddles into my side. My arm draped over her like it was a puzzle piece. I lay my chin in the top of her head.

"I can hear your heart beat." She says contently.

"Is that a good thing?" I ask.

"Very good thing Draco." She replies. "Makes me feel safe. Wanted. Loved. Alive." She says tracing her fingers along my shirt.

"You are loved, and wanted, and safe. All by me. That'll never change Lily. I promise." I say kissing the top of her head.

"I'm excited to meet your mum, a bit nervous though." She says smiling.

"Why? She'll love you, just like me." I say playing with her hair.

"I'm glad she's escaping. I don't want anyone near there. That dark place." She says.

"I agree. Do you think my father will ever talk to me again?" I ask.

She sits and ponders this for a moment before saying.

"Yes I do. Even though you guys have differences doesn't mean he'll hate you forever. People get over it." She says. I find her hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Your hand is so much bigger than mine." She says smiling.
I laugh.

"Kiss me." She says. I don't hesitate before I crash my lips with hers. Our lips mold together like they're made just for us. I put all my passion and love for her, in every kiss I feel her do the same. I feel the passion. It's what makes us distract ourselves from everything evil.

She distracts me. I'm grey. I'm in the middle between evil and good. Grey is the silver lining. She is white. All white. And we all know grey goes with white...

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