Chapter 4

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Lily's POV-

Ever since yesterday I haven't been able to focus, just been thinking about Malfoy. What is wrong with me? Harry see's it too, he thinks i'm sad and is always with me, which is nice, it really is, but i keep telling him- nothing's wrong, but they don't believe me.

How i could have feelings for someone so... i dunno... hateful? He bullied us for as long as I can remember, he physically hurt my arm and rubbed it in. He's going to get the mark and become a death eater. All of this is just wrong, my feelings.. his eyes.. his body.. oh bloody hell.

I can hear Hermione getting ready. I open my eyes groggily.

"Lily, you've gotta get up, you've got potions-" I cut her off my throwing off my covers and sprinting to the bathroom. I start brushing my teeth when Mione comes to behind me.

"I've never seen you get up so fast.." She says curiously. I blush and keep brushing. Suddenly she gasps making me jump and choke on my toothpaste. She laughs as I scowl at her and spit.

"There's someone isn't there?" She laughs with wide eyes. I dry my mouth to respond. I set the towel down nervous.

"Maybe." I say, she squeals jumping up and down.

"I knew it! Who is it? Do we know him? Her?" She says her cautiously. I snicker.

"Not her. And I don't know if I even have feelings, i just feel like i'm rushing into nothing." I look away. Hermione takes the comb and start combing through my locks.

"I see. Well take your time, see where it takes you." She replies smiling at me in the mirror. I smile back. When Mione is satisfied with my hair, I go and get dressed put on some makeup and open the door to the common room. Hermione and I see the Ron, Ginny and Harry. Ginny and Harry are snogging again.

"Oi Harry! I don't want to be an auntie yet!" I yell trying to embarrass them. Success! Ginny pulls away blushing, Hermione is doubling over laughing, and Ron looks disgusted. But Harry's expression is hilarious, His face is bright red and he looks at me smiling. I smile back at him and wink.

"Lily do not joke about that ever." He says walking towards me, then over to Hermione and snogs her too.

"Ronald that goes for you too." Ginny and I say. We giggle at each other and i look at the clock.

"Harry we need to go!" I say laughing and running. I hear a few curse words and running feet. I laugh and run to potions. Luckily i'm not late. I get in and take a seat.

"Good morning class!" Professor Slughorn says cheery. "I am going to be pairing you in partners today to learn how to do the Polyjuice potion." He says. The entire class groans i get a little nervous, hoping to be paired with Hermione or Ron or Harry.

"Harry Potter and Ron Weasley."

"Hermione Granger and Lavender Brown." Hermione curses under her breath and i chuckle.

"Lily Potter and Draco Malfoy." I feel the annoyance coming to me. Dammit the one person that makes me so nervous that i can't focus. Damn it all to hell. He finishes tallying off names.

"Alright find your partners, when we are all ready in a few minutes we will find some ingredients out in the forest."

"Well Potter looks like we'll be together for a few weeks." Malfoy comes over to me with that stupid smirk plastered on his face. I roll my eyes.

"The horror. Well c'mon let's go." I say sighing. When we get to the forest Malfoy and I split up from the class to look for knotgrass. After we found our ingredients I barely talked to him. a few weeks later we do.
It's been a month after we've been paired. Harry and I are inseparable but of course I leave him alone so he can song Ginny, then I just read or talk with Mione. Our class went outside today and we had to be with our partners.

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