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The last time Y/N checked the time it was 1:34. It was now 3:01 and all he had done was scroll through endless rants Miya had put on Twitter, the pile of homework on his desk shaking its head at him. He just couldn't stop himself. Everything Miya said, be it text, on call, or face to face, it drew Y/N in. Yuuji had teased him multiple times about that too. Apparently "everyone could see the sparkle in his eyes".

Y/N didnt believe it, but maybe it was true. Everything Miya said was interesting, who wouldn't be focused right in on him? Actually, he made skating interesting again too.

It shocked Reki to find his little brother in law skating again, almost crashing into the older the first time. Langa and Reki hadnt seen Y/N this happy since he first started his streams, which was a big thing. Nothing made him happier then making content. That was, before Miya.

And it was the same for Miya too. Miya thought he was in love with the streamer before, now that hes met the real Y/N, his love just grew stronger.

So now they both forget everything in the world to talk to eachother for another hour, homework forgotten and dinner on it's way.

A quiet figure made itself into Y/N's room, Y/N being in his own little world that only consisted of a new game update and Miya. He was made aware of the other when they sat on the end of his bed, Y/N pulling his legs up to let them sit better. "Hm?" He questioned, eyes still focused on the 'Miya_nya is typing...' at the bottom of the screen.

"Who are you talking too?" The other, who's voice revealed they were Langa, sang, dragging out the 'too' in a playful manner. "Just Miya." Y/N said, smiling and typing a reply back.

Langa smiled, scooting back on his bed and leaning back against the wall the bed was against. "You're just like me." He said quietly. Y/N just giggled, looking up from his phone. "Mom always says that, now you too?"

"That's because it's true, I was exactly like this when I first met Reki." Langa smiled to himself, thinking about when they first met. "Hm. What are you implying." Y/N asked, sitting upright to look at Langa.

"You love him and dont even realize." Langa said, making Y/N furrow his brows at him. "It's too soon to think that. Obviously I love him, but I don't know if I do in that way." Y/N said, the quick defensiveness in his tone giving it away already, he really was starting to like Miya. What was once a little crush was turning into so much more.

Langa just smiled knowingly, nodding his head. "Alright. Take your time in figuring this out." He said, Y/N smiling appreciatively. "Thanks."

A voice broke them out of their conversation, one belonging to Langa's red headed lover. "Dinner's done boys!!" He exclaimed, always having to be louder than the rest. He disappeared from the door just as quickly as he appeared. Langa smiled like he did every time he saw even a glimpse of Reki, soft and still utterly in love with the other. He patted Y/N's bed once then got up, moving out of the room. "Let's go." He said, Y/N jumping out of bed quickly and stuffing his phone in his pocket in one smooth motion.


Y/N was thankfully able to get his thoughts together the night before, finishing the pile of homework that judged his procrastinating. Now he sat in class, trying his hardest not to sneak glances at Miya every minute. Y/N found him so beautiful, though, he had to admit. How he'd lay on his arm, bored during class, his messy hair somehow framing his face in a way that was perfectly Miya, his bangs surely making it hard to see with it in his eyes but not seeming to bother him at all.

Miya was special, Y/N couldn't deny it. Langa was right, he saw his brother in his actions once he realized them, how he giggled at his phone every night and how nowadays he spent all his afternoons either texting the black haired boy or skating around the small town they lived in together. Miya brought a new joy into his life, not that he wasn't happy before but Miya made him look forward to the next day. His old routine, though he enjoyed it, got boring after years.

Now, seeing Miya every day, and even having friends in Yuuji and Aki, it made life have that same spark it had when he first started streaming. And that showed, too. Y/N looked brighter than ever before.


The bell rang for lunch, the class quickly emptying after they were dismissed. Y/N, Miya, Yuuji and Aki always waited to see everyone gone before they tried to get out, so that they could stick together and walk to lunch at the same time. They'd quickly became a little friend group, welcoming their new blue haired member with open arms.

Aki and Yuuji always walked ahead together, holding hands with Yuuji swinging them back and forth playfully. This left Miya and Y/N behind them, which neither of the boys minded. If it wasn't obvious by now, they quite enjoyed eachother's company. They followed behind making their own conversation, Y/N using his hands to speak a lot like usual, both smiling ear to ear.

Once they reached the lunch room, Y/N's cheeks hurt from how much they were smiling with Miya. Y/N honestly never talked much out of stream, he was a quiet person in general, but that had seemed to change since coming to school and meeting Miya. All he had was words to give the other.

The friend group got in line for lunch, Yuuji finally putting his attention towards the other boys. "What're you two love birds talkin about?" He asked, his usual smirk on his face. Miya sighed, able to control himself a little better now, but the slightest blush still came across his face. "Shut up, Yuuji! It's none of your business, I'm not telling you now." He said, stubbornly. Yuuji frowned, faking a sad voice, sniffling, "Miyyaaa. Miyaaa don't do this to your best frienddd." He whined, stepping forward and slumping himself over Miya, hanging off his shoulder. "Get off me, you slime!!" Miya insulted, trying to shake him off.

Yuuji held on for dear life, fake whining as Miya did everything to get his arms from around his shoulders, "Miyaaaaa!" He whined, resting his head down on his shoulder. Y/N and Aki watched with a smile, Y/N holding the same smile Aki had- one of true love- exposing him right there of his feelings for Miya, though no one noticed. The line moved forward and their friend group didn't, making people behind them get annoyed, shortly yelling at them to move up. The group jumped and moved forward, realizing the line was gone.

Once each of them received their food, they made their way to their normal spot at the tables, sitting down how they normally did. Yuuji across from Aki, Y/N across from Miya. Yuuji wanted it this way so "every lunch time could feel like a little date". Of course he meant between him and Aki, but she didn't mind. She found it cute, honestly. She loved how Yuuji liked to make everything special for them.

Y/N and Miya didn't mind either, it made it easier to talk to each other, and maybe in the back of their minds they were on their own little date too.


A/N time omg it's been so long i'm sorryyy LOLL

I found this draft and wanted to finish it, I honestly genuinely don't know if i'll continue this book but i wanted to atleast finish what i was working on.

I think my writing got sm better too, everything after "You love him and don't even realized." Langa said. is new writing so lmk what you think

anyways i did enjoy writing this so maybe i'll pick this up again IDK but y'all have a good day!

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