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The day had come for Y/N Hasegawa to finally go to a real school. He was both excited and nervous, going to the school his older brother went to when he was younger. It was actually where he met Reki, after traveling to Japan after their dad's death. Y/n remembered how he thought it was unfair Langa got to go to school and he didnt, but soon found it to be nice since he would stay indoors with his games.

His mom was insisting on him going to a real Highschool though, just as she had done with Langa, who was also homeschooled untill Highschool. She didnt know why she did it this way, but she liked having her little boys home with her and they really didn't mind it.

"Langa, can I borrow your skateboard for school? I dont really wanna walk there." Y/n shouted out to his brother, spotting it by the door as he was about to leave. "Oh, yea sure! Be careful." He heard his brother shout back and smiled, "Will do!"

He grabbed the old, blue painted skateboard and walked out the house. The giggled at the funny yeti design he remembered Reki putting on it years ago. Y/n threw the board down and slowly got on. He knew how to ride it, thanks to Reki insisting on teaching him, but he hadn't rode in years so he'd have to be careful.

A few pushes down the street and he was down the street, closer to his new high school life. The wind blowing in his longer blue hair, he thought. What if he found love at this highschool, like how his brother did? Then there was also Miya, who he really wanted to get to know better. Miya also said he had school today, would he be in his class?

That would be honestly really nice.

He would already have a friend. He decided not to get his hopes up yet though, as he approached the school he had been by a few times to see Langa when he went there. He stopped his board, stepping on it to make it jump up into his hand and walking through the courtyard to the front entrance.

His mom had already told him where everything was, including his locker number and home class room. So he made his way to his locker, looking at the numbers on each of them that he passed. He found it, number 201. Next to it was 202, and a boy with orange hair stood there, putting stuff in it. Y/n approached his locker and noticed his locker buddy had a skateboard in his locker aswell.


He opened his locker, about to put the skateboard in it before it got grabbed. Oh, by the same oranges haired boy. His eyes sparkled as he looked at it, "Isnt this Langa Hasegawa's skateboard design? You know him?"

He reminded Y/n of Reki when his eyes sparkled like that, and he got passionate about skating. "Oh, yes I do know him. Hi I'm Y/n Hasegawa." He said, putting out his hand and the other boy's eyes widened and took his hand, shaking it violently. "Your his brother! Right?"

He nodded and smiled, "Nice to meet you."

"You too, I'm Yuuji Higa! Actually, your Bluesway, right?" He asked and Y/n nodded, making Yuuji smirk. "Well, Miya goes here too." He said, making Y/n smile, "Does he?"

"Yea! He's locker 203. We convinced the principle to give us lockers next to eachother, cuz we're besties." Yuuji smiled and pointed to 203, then to 204, "And my girlfriend is 204, you'll meet her today too probably, shes really nice. It was coincidence that she got 204 though."

Y/n nodded, taking in all of this information. "Her name is Aki Nanjo. Her dads are really nice too! They skate too, you'd like to meet them."

Gosh, did this boy talk alot. So much that Y/n didnt even realize they were walking to class now. "Oh, they seem nice." He said, and Yuuji nodded as he walked into the classroom, Y/n following. In the corner of the room he spotted a black haired boy, the top bottons of his shirt undone, and smiled.

"Miya, look who I found!" Yuuji said, walking up to Miya's desk, Y/n following. Miya looked up from his phone, where he was playing a game, his eyes widening when he spotted the blue haired boy. "What- huh?!"

Y/n smiled, "Hey." His voice was soft. "Why didnt you tell me you were going coming to this school, you lanky bitch!" Miya said, standing up and putting his phone on the desk. "I honestly didn't know you were here either." Y/n giggled. Miya melted at the sound, going around his desk to abruptly hug him. Y/n smiled and placed his arms around his back.

"Gay asses." Yuuji muttered and Miya turned and glared at him, "Shut up you literal walking, talking tangerine looking ass."

"Atleast tangerines are snacks, therefore I am one aswell." He said, noticing a girl with black hair entering the room, "Aki, tell him I'm a snack!"

She walked over, crossing her arms and looking at Miya. "You dare say my boy is not a snack?" He smiled, obviously teasing. "Hes not a snack, not my type in the slightest." Miya scoffed. Y/n watched the whole interaction, and giggled a bit, "Y'all seem fun."

Yuuji smirked at Y/n, "Yea, I'm not your type cuz Y/n is."

Both boy's face heated up, Y/n looking away. "Shut up, Yuuji!" Miya scoffed.

"Everyone to your seats. We have a new student." The teacher said, walking into class. "I see he's already made some friends. Come here Mr. Hasegawa."

Y/n looked at Yuuji and Miya scurrying to their seats, Aki taking her slow time more. He walked down the isle to the front of the class, turning to everyone. "Introduce yourself."

"I'm Y/n Hasegawa." He said awkwardly. The teacher turned and looked at him, "Anything else?"

"I'm half Canadian." He said, looking around at the crowd of people staring at him. "...Ok thank you, Mr Hasegawa. You can sit next to Miya, since I see you two are already.. aquantited."

Y/n nodded and walked to the desk next to Miya, smiling over at him, Miya ignoring the gesture but shortly after returning it.

And class started.

Bluesway || Miya x Male Reader [Chatfic]Where stories live. Discover now