moments and tomorrow's plans

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IT was only five pm, and the sun has reached it's golden hour.

for the whole hour and a half the two were there, zayn and niall had been talking about the detailed events that occurred in their lives in the past six-seven months. it was a nice hour and a half, two best friends catching up with each other. each of their words felt smooth, like it felt right to be told to another person, no matter how crazy different their lives have become when just seven months ago their lives were basically the same, but still have their differences.

just a little more than half a year ago, zayn was living most peoples' dreams, being famous, especially being in the biggest band in the world. being worshiped like a god, being an idol to many. being someone's hope. that was the craziest thought in his mind when he was still in one direction. being the reason someone is alive. being the reason someone would smile everyday, just at the mere thought of him. he was their light, their sunshine. that's what didn't feel real to him anymore. another thing that didn't feel real to him was the thousands of people filling up a stadium. a damn stadium. he was one-fifth of the reason why there were so many people were there. he was considered as one-fifth as something. he wanted to be his whole self, not a part of something, no matter how many incredible things have happened to him being a part of that. he met incredible people, got to tour with four hilarious australians for two years. it was all just a crazy roller coaster ride that is life.

this moment with niall made him feel regret, for betraying him and the other boys, as well as the fans.

he chuckles at the thought of people calling shahid (naughty boy) different things, although it's quite rude. the ones of him in relation to a hamburger are his favourite.

zayn began to look back at the events that happened the past couple of months he'd been gone.

there was one memory that had pained him the slightest bit. he didn't know exactly what he was feeling, but he know he regrets what he'd done.

even if he was defending himself, even if people twisted his words.

he had a mini fight with louis on twitter, not even two months after he left the band.

he loves louis like a brother, and he'd never mean to say something rude like that.

but it's happened, and he can't go back in time and erase that moment. he didn't even defend louis when naughty boy said his voice wasn't even good!

how does niall still even like me?

he asks himself.

with a sigh, he nudges the blonde boy, waking him up.

"hey ni, wanna come back to my place?"

"i'd love to, mate."

they get up from the bench and he grabs his stuff and niall's hand, walking a couple blocks to the closest bus stop.

clearing his throat, zayn begins to speak, "so... how's the tour been?"

niall turns his head, looking at zayn, looking as if he was thinking.

"good. could be better with you though." he gives zayn a small, sad smile, him giving one back.

a few awkward silence moments later, the london bus comes around and picks up the duo, as well as the other people that had been waiting there with him.

a short whole later, the boys make it to zayn's house.

"it's eh, a big house isn't it ni?"


zayn looked at niall's blue eyes wash over with amusement, probably thinking how funny it is that even after he's quit the band he's still for loads of money to afford such beauty and shelter.

"does uh, perrie live here too? is she here right now?"

"nah mate, she's gone off with the girls for now."

a wash of relief is evident in niall, both confusing and amusing zayn.

grabbing his keys from his pocket, zayn goes to the front of the house and unlocks the front door.

"welcome to my humble abode, mr. horan," he says with a wink.

niall looks down, chuckling a bit as a pink colour reaches his already rosey cheeks.

"it's even more beautiful on the inside."

"yup. i'll lead you to the guest room, and if you're feeling a bit tired you can just sleep there."


there was a burst of happiness in zayn, the fact that is best friend was there with him after months of being away from each other.

he missed niall, but in a way he missed niall.

shaking these thoughts out of his head, zayn finds himself and niall at the half open door of the guest room.

"so, uh, here you are mate. call me over if you need anything. i have plans for tomorrow, i'll tell you later."

niall just merely nods, opening the door wider and stepping inside, looking flustered.


niall (first person)

it's been five minutes, and i was still having to take deep breaths.

why is it the fact that i'm in his house, just a few steps away from a bed causing me to feel all flustered?

maybe you want him.

no. that's not what best friends are supposed to feel for each other. especially guy best friends. it's not like there is anything wrong with being gay, but that's not me, i don't feel that way towards other guys.

maybe because it's zayn you want, and only zayn.

i try to shake these thoughts out if my head, but i can't.

taking a few more deep breaths, i make my way out the room and down the stairs, eyes trailing about the house and finding a shirtless zayn sat on the sofa.

"hey zee."

"oh hey. so plans for tomorrow?"


"alright, so how about we go to the pool, tomorrow just you and i- if you don't mind-"

the rest if zayn's words come in and out of my ears. distracted by his bare skin and perfect lips moving as he speaks, his rest rising and falling ever so slightly as he breathes.

"sound good?"

i snap out of m daydream, looking into zayn's eyes.

"yeah, yeah. sounds great."

smiling, i leave the room and lead myself to the kitchen, grabbing a cup from one of the cupboards and pouring a glass of water.

tomorrow's going to be one helluva day.



anyways, it's been a while, hasn't it?

sorry about that, writers block but my friend suggested to write a chapter of ziall at the pool and i had to finish this chapter before carrying on to the next.

this chapter has over 1000 words and i've never felt so accomplished in my whole entire writing life.

whale, i hope you enjoyed this chapter and will be looking forwards for the next!


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