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"Right but that doesn't answer my question"

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"You didn't let me finish" I rolled my eyes irritated, he went silent and nodded his head for me to answer.

I looked at him and looked him up and down while he held onto the steering wheel lightly with one hand and the other resting on the little armrest and back at the road "You act like you trust them, but don't. You never know when they're gonna snap and catch you. I like to think of those types of people like pennies, two-faced and worth little to nothing"

"You wonder if they think the same about people like us?" he sighed. since when the fuck did he get emotional? Jesus.

I cocked my brow "What do you mean 'people like us'?"

"You know...people who kill and shit" he shrugged

Times like this I wonder if he doesn't like doing this, I mean yeah who would want to be chased by police and shit all the time but if he's saying it in a sad way why did he start doing criminal stuff in the first place? And to think men call us WOMAN confusing, I get where they're coming from but holy shit.

"I mean yeah...yeah probably"

The van was dead silent with no one a word.

"Why did you start doing this, illegal stuff I mean" he turned to me for a second

"I...I don't know. My friend and I were bullied for our entire school life so we decided to um, I don't know" I sighed, I thought back to when me and Millie were just making mischief in school but I just couldn't remember what made us do criminal stuff. Is that weird?

"You mean Millie?" he questioned, I snapped my head to him in a weary way

"How do you know her?"

He shrugged his shoulders and yawned "I met her. The night where you left me in front of the police station and I ran away, she saw me and we had a...an interesting conversation"

"Right." I nodded my head slowly

"Why did you start doing this?" I asked, I already know he's doing it for his family, but the file never said why, though. I don't wanna pressure him (although that would be fun and I don't really care) but I'm just curious, he doesn't know I know they're dead but how did they? I don't know that one. I just want to see if he'll trust me enough to tell me the truth.

"For my family," he whispered

"I thought you already knew that" he furrowed his eyebrows

"I do, but...why?"

"They uh- they um- they died well no- they got killed so I um, I killed all the people involved with it" I saw a few tears form and rise up in his eyes but didn't say anything, he wiped his eyes and looked at me then down quickly.

"I'm sorry I jus- I'm all alone" he muttered, my mouth opened but didn't come out with a sound, I know A LOT of things but I did NOT know that. is he for real or is this a joke? I swear this dude is broken

"You probably don't care, Im sor-"

"No, no. I'm sorry I shouldn't've asked, I bet they were lovely people, and you didn't tell me you had actual emotions! I put my hand on my chest dramatically, he rolled his eyes

"Oh shut up" he mumbled

"I was joking!"

"Sure" he fake smiled while nodding his head in a circular motion.

"Bloody Gemini shit," I said under my breath

"What sign are you then?" he hitched his head forward

"Libra" I murmured

He tilts his head back and laughs "Ah, that makes so much sense now"

"What does that mean!" I crossed my arms

"Libras- social butterflies, very indecisive, don't like getting yelled at and hate conflict. You hate being alone. Some say manipulative and controlling but good listeners, listens to music WAY too much, is liked by all" he flashed a fake smile

"Says the two-faced bitch! You have trouble knowing your real self, the most impulsive person and you get indecisive too. very picky and outright liars!" I snapped

"And- I forgot Libras get very angry when called out, won't back out from a fight but hates arguments" he rolled his eyes

"Fuck off"

"Oh yeah? You want me to jump out of the car right now and you have nowhere to go, sure" he said loudly. I huffed and got up from the seat, going to the little couch and hopping on my phone.


I got up and microwaved mac and cheese for 7 minutes like the packet said and watched the clock strike from 5:05 to 5:06.

I took a deep breath and let go, closing my eyes. I had been told time and time again that the most important steps were the first and the last. It was something that I carried within me in everything I did, but then he showed up and disrupted everything. He told me that I had it wrong. The first step wasn't the most important. The last step wasn't but it was the next step that was the most important.

That was something I didn't want to believe- it sounds ridiculous but thinking about it now, the first step I made was going with William but then the next few steps were something that mattered more, stealing the painting, going with Louis so I wasn't stranded, deserting him so I wasn't caught, found him again and stayed with him so HE didn't get caught then fully staying with him. I thought the last step was me leaving Louis but no, I got dragged to him again and my idiotic senses told me to help.

I got caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realise the bell of the microwave was about to ring. I jumped as I was caught off guard and gulped down. I opened it and put it in a small bowl, sitting down and stuffing it in my mouth not caring how hot it is, I am not manipulative! How dare he say that.


I washed the bowl and put it on the side of the sink letting it dry, I yawned and looked back at the front where Louis is driving, he hasn't said anything after got up and neither have I but I'm enjoying the peace and quiet, I shut the blinds on all the windows and play with the remote of the LED's switching them to blue to purple and stopping at green to sleep, I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting off to sleep with the sound of the wheels on the road.

UNEXPECTED》》LOUIS PARTRIDGEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora