"So, where do you want to go?" Pond asked raising his head to look at me while he continued to stuff the food in his mouth. "Anywhere, I just want to get some fresh air." I replied. "Do you mean to say that the air over here is polluted?" He asked and I was a bit taken back. But then, he laughed out loud and I soon understood that he was trying to joke.

"Don't take each and every word seriously. Have your breakfast and wear some nice clothes for an outing. I don't want Ae to scold me for not bothering to take care of you very well." He stated. I nodded and then moved to finish my breakfast.

After I was done, I rushed towards my room to wear some nice clothes. I slid the closet door aside and then scanned through the stock to find something to wear. Not to mention that all the clothes looked expensive and I was a bit hesitant to wear them. So I settled on something that would put me at ease.

After I was done getting ready, I walked out of the room making my way towards the hall. When I descended the steps, I saw Pond all ready and waiting for me. There were two other persons along with him which meant, I was going to be watched like hawk.

"Ready?" Pond asked in an excited tone. "I guess so?" I said looking at the two other persons. "Ae has given strict instructions so these two will be coming with us. Now, let's get going, the driver is already waiting." Pond said and placed his hand on my shoulder.

He seemed to be nice and easy going. He was easy to be friends with. We walked out of the house with the two other people trailing behind. I was praying internally that I won't have to travel in the limo again. It's not that I mind but it looks like a little bit too much. Thankfully, it was something better than limo but I still had a doubt that this car too would be costly.

We got into the car with the two guards in front and me and Pond at the back seat. The car started moving and I could see the route through which I have entered this place two days back. "I think it's better to visit a mall." Pond said after a while. "But I am not having money...." I replied. "Huh?! Who asked about money? Ae had already given me his credit card and asked me to allow you to spend it the way you want. No limits!!" He replied.

Was he freaking kidding me? Why would he even allow me to do that? I sat in silence as the car moved on the streets, now approaching the crowded streets and I could see the people moving around. This sight was somewhat relaxing after everything I have been through for past few days. I just wish to watch this people move around and suddenly the urge of meeting my parents started bubbling inside me. Pond said Ae had given him credit card for me to use, why not use it for something that I really want?

Finally, the car was parked in basement and the two guards stepped out and then opened the door for me. I got out of the car and soon Pond was by my side. He is taking this job really seriously. Who will harm me? My family never had enough money or property to have rivals and also, I never got into a fight with anyone that people will try to take revenge. This people are just being concerned over something trivial.

Pond ushered me towards the elevator and the two other people were following us. Soon, we were behind the doors and the elevator started to ascend taking us towards our destination. The doors finally opened and I froze in spot looking at the surroundings. The place was lined with the top brands of clothes, watches and shoes. I couldn't even afford to buy a single item of it even if I save all my pocket money for a year.

I was hesitant to step out and stayed in. "Come on!!" Pond said pulling me out and then walking towards the clothes store. "Pond, can we go somewhere else? This place seems too costly. Also, I can't afford it." I spoke out. He eyed me before speaking, "Get used to it. All your clothes are from these stores." He stated. My clothes? When did I buy them? "My clothes? But I never bought clothes of this brands. I can never afford them." I cleared.

"Pete!! I am talking about the clothes that you are wearing at present. The ones which are inside the closet." Pond said. "But they aren't mine." I protested. "Then whose? No one wears clothes of that size. Ae had bought them especially for you. So now stop thinking and let's start shopping. And no looking at the price tags. Just buy whatever you like." Pond said and then pulled me into one of the stores.

I looked around the place and admired it. They had different varieties and all were placed in different places. I walked up to see the t-shirts and then started to check some of them while Pond was busy checking on some hoodies. Even though Pond had instructed me not to see the tags, I can't help myself from doing the exact opposite. My eyes popped out seeing the price and then immediately placed the stuff back in place.

I paced around as if trying to find something and then returned back to where Pond was. I saw him holding a black hoodie and checking himself in the mirror. "Perfect!!" he said to himself and then turned around. "Oh Pete!! What did you choose to buy?" He asked. "Umm... I didn't see anything that interesting." I lied. I couldn't afford to buy any of these things. Most importantly, that money didn't belong to me.

I waited till Pond was done with shopping. I just passed my time looking around. Pond finally appeared carrying few things and proceeded to check out. I guess he had a great time shopping after seeing the stuff in his trolley. "Don't worry Pete, there are more stores around. You'll definitely find something." Pond encouraged. I just smiled at him and then the person at the check out started to tally the cost.

Pond used the card to pay and I accidentally happened to see the password. I didn't mean to pry but it all happened suddenly. Most importantly, the password was same as my birth date. There were so many bags that Pond had a hard time trying to hold them together. "Pete, just take this." He said handing me the card.

I stared at the card and then a sudden idea popped up in my mind. I needed money to get back home, and this was the perfect opportunity. Whatever amount I use, I'll pay Ae back and return his card too after reaching home. Even if I didn't have enough savings, I will ask dad to help me. I will be forever thankful to Ae for having been there for me and saving me. If possible, I would try to repay him in all ways possible but for now, I will have to go against him.

Pond started walking out of the place carrying the bags and I was following him. My eyes on the card and my mind planning another escape. This one was going to be easy since there were no people except for three of them. So, the chances of getting caught were very very low and I could easily get away. 

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