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Holaaaaa everyone It's your author Priyal Nigam here Welcome back to my ff

Let's gets started

All lights off just fairy lights brimmering

Vikrant put his hand around avu's waist She put her one hand on his shoulder He intervine their fingers and they start dancing

Avu felt little uncomfortable with his touch but she didn't show it

Avu saw sid's jealous face and she smirked internally

Avu in mind: now u wait and watch Mr Nigam sorry Jello Nigam

Sid is seeing all this and anger start boiling in him He hold Ashi's waist tightly Ashi shocked by his action

Vikrant started twirling her around and here Sid fuming in anger watching them

( All are doing same steps I am only writing for Vikrant and Avneet)

All changes their partner but Vikrant and Ashi didn't

Vikrant started to roam his hand on her waist in an inappropriate manner

Now volcano is going to erupt

The guy changes and she start dancing with another guy the boy were changing one after another twirling her around and dancing with her Sid didn't like the way the boys were holding her

The partners changes Avu her both hands on sid's shoulder and he kept his hand on her waist.....pulled her closer and start dancing they are too close that they can hear each other's heartbeat

Sid: why are u going too close to Vikrant...........gritting his teeth

Avu started to leave but sid pulled her back and start twirling her

Sid: i ask u smthng and I want answer Mrs Nigam....angrily

Avu: Siddharth u are such a bipolar In morning u are claiming that Ashi is your wife only yours and etc etc etc and now u are calling me Mrs Nigam First u decide na whom u want your Mrs Nigam

Sid: see i am warning u don't go close to that Vikrant he is not right boy

Avu: oh plss Don't give me lecture just save your precious words for you "BABY"

Sidneet start moving with rhythm swinging their bodies together Avu turned and now her back facing sid he made her hair fall at one side and start smelling her moving too close to her

Avu: u are jealous Mr Nigam accept it u can't see me with any other guy..smirk

Sid: its nothing like that

Avu: oh I see....smirk

Sid held her in air and she put his both hands on his shoulders

Sid kept her down and put his hand on her waist indicating the other boys that she only mine

Their bodies moving in a sync and both were lost in each other they were hell close sid's full concentration on her lips  and he start moving close to her Avu closed her eyes

They were just an inch apart and were about to kiss just then the music got over and everyone clapping bringing sidneet out of their trance

Sid: S.T.A.Y A.W.A.Y F.R.O.M Vikrant Mrs Nigam.....he said in full jealous tone

Avu: none of your business Mr Nigam
.............rolling her eyes 

Sid got a call so he went to attend the call in garden

When a boy of age 5 came near avu and told her sm1 is calling u in garden

Avu went to garden and saw Vikrant there

Vikrant: Hello beautiful

Avu: Hii but I have a name and that is Avneet so its better if u call me by my name

Vikrant: Avneet such a beautiful name just like u

Avu: are u flirting with me

Vikrant: no just complementing on your beauty

Avu: sorry but i don't like cheesy lines so try on other girls

He took out a rose from his pocket and kneel down in front of her Avu's eyes widen

Vikrant: See Avneet i directly came on point Today i saw u first time and I think I start loving u I love you Avneet will u marry me

Avu: Sorry but i already married and I carrying his child

Vikrant stand up

Vikrant: Avneet I really love you u van divorce him and abort his child what problem in it

Avu got angry and slapped him

Avu: how dare u say anything like this i already had a doubt on u and your intentions are not right Sid told me to stay away from u but I am idiot that I didn't took that seriously and how the hell u told me to divorce my husband and abort his child if Siddharth heared it na then its your last day on earth

Vikrant: Siddharth

Avu: Yes Siddharth he is my husband and i love him so much

Vikrant: oh so that Siddharth is coming between us i will throw him out our lives then we can live our lives happily i will kill him

Avu slapped him tightly

Avu: Don't u dare to touch my Siddharth.......shouts angrily

Vikrant: u bitch how dare u to slap me now u will see my devil side

He held her hand tightly and start dragging him she is struggling continuously he threw her inside his car and start driving his car

He drove off to his mansion he held her wrist and drag her inside

Avu: leave me u bastard leave Siddharth won't leave you

Vikrant: Don't u dare to take that Siddharth's name again and he is not gonna come here anyhow

Avu: he will come i know i trust my love and my heart says he is coming

Vikrant held her hairs and she winced

Vikrant: u are mine honey don't make me angry otherwise I will do something that u don't like

Avu pushed him harshly

Avu: Stay away from me u moron......shouts

Vikrant raise his hand to slap her but Sm1 held his hand

To be continued


The One and Only Priyal Nigam ❤ 🔥

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SIDNEET: OPPOSITE LOVE Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora