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Holaaaa everyone It's your author Priyal Nigam here Welcome back to my ff

Let's gets started

In morning

Sid woke up first and felt smthng heavy on his chest he opened his eyes properly and saw avu sleeping on his chest with a cute pout her one leg on his legs and her one hand helding his waist tightly sid tried to get up by not disturbing her but he failed as her grip is quit strong Sid tried once again cause to wake up a lioness from her beautiful sleep

Avu woke up and found herself sleeping on him she get up from him but he held her wrist and pulled her on top of him

Avu: leave me

Sid: whole night u slept helding me now u are telling me to leave u why u have your fun now my turn

He flipped there position and started to move closer Avu is totally shocked by his behavior She closed her eyes feeling his hot breath on her lips he leaned more close he gonna kiss her but realization hits him

Sid in mind: what the fuck u are doing Sid u have to make her hate u u idiot bandar what u gonna do shit now I have to show her that I am just trying on her

Sid: open your eyes Mrs Nigam i am not gonna do anything what u thinking

Avu opened her eyes and saw sid smirking at her

Sid: i know u are fool but u are a idiot Avneet what do u think i will kiss u ha omg Avneet u are such a dumb

Avu: i didn't thought anything like that understand u Mr

Sid: oh I see Mrs Nigam

Avu: shut up and get up from me

Sid got up and set his clothes  he gave avu his hand to stand up but she ignored him and went to bathroom and took a shower

She realized that she didn't took her clothes and smacked her forehand

Avu: Ughhh I am such a fool a fucking fool how can i forget to took my clothes now i have to ask for help from this bandar ya khuda

Avu shout from inside

Avu: Siddharth Siddharth are u there

Sid smirked and didn't spoke he knows that she forget to took her clothes

Avu: i think he is not there now i can go out

She wrapped towel around her and came out of bathroom

She taking her clothes from closet when she felt two muscular arms wrapped around her and hot breath firming on her neck she freezed on her spot

Sid: looking hot husky voice and tighten his grip on her waist

Avu: Si Si Si....dd.....hart.....h

Sid: what babygirl........sucking her earlobe

Avu clutch on her towel like her life depend on it her face turned red

Sid: why are u shying in front of me i have seen u with clothes and without clothes also so why this shyness let's have some fun........... placing wet kisses on her neck

He turned her and pinned her to the door of closet He kissed her cheek

Avu pushed him and close the door

Avu's OOTD

Avu's OOTD

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SIDNEET: OPPOSITE LOVE Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora