Me: You were my friend for 4 years and you never told me?

They exhale and laugh

Corbyn: I'm sorry, but you can't tell any human being, secrets are secrets remember?

Me: How long you've been stuck like this?

Jonah: 3 years for me and Corbyn 8 years

Me: Any powers?

Corbyn laughs

Corbyn: Daniel has a visions and emotions, of course you going out with him right?

Me: How do you know that?

Corbyn: I can feel him here since you guys kissed, I could feel his clothes on your scent , he never told us, and you are my best friend!

Me: Sorry, so how will we get them back?

They both were thinking and out of nowhere we heard smash and crash and there was a bomb and some people came to the house and I woke up trying to reach for Corbyn as Jonah was awake giving in and they took him

Me: Leave them alone

Trying to scream and then they took me as well...................

Reach Me, Teach Me (Why Don't We Vampire Story)Where stories live. Discover now